Lab Canada

Chair named for prostate cancer research (July 15, 2005)

Vancouver, BC – The Leading Edge Endowment Fund has named Dr Martin Gleave, MD, FRCSC, as BC Leadership Chair in Prostate Cancer Research. Dr Gleave, a native of British Columbia, is a urologist, surgeon, and director of clinical research at the Prostate Centre at Vancouver General Hospital.

“Dr Gleave is an internationally acclaimed, award-winning surgeon and scientist,” says Martha Salcudean, chair of the Leading Edge Endowment Fund. “He is a leader in developing and applying new therapeutics for prostate cancer treatment, and his appointment will greatly contribute to strengthening the research training environment for the next generation of researchers.”

The chair will receive a total endowment of $4.5 million, cost-shared between the Leading Edge Endowment Fund and the private sector and other donors. Matching funds of $2.25 million have been committed by VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation.

The Prostate Centre’s translational research initiative for accelerated discovery and development (PC-TRIADD) will be supported by the chair and will apply state of the art genomic/proteomic approaches to the analysis and treatment of prostate cancer.

“PC-TRIADD will change the face of cancer treatment, not just in BC, but world-wide,” says Dr Gleave. “Instead of using the current ‘seek and destroy’ approach using strong, non-specific treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, doctors will be able to target the cancer cells and use very specific methods to administer cancer-killing therapies to those cells. This funding will allow the Prostate Centre to expand its capability and provide additional positions for new researchers.”

The LEEF funding will leverage additional national and international funding that has contributed to the creation of Canada’s largest and one of the world’s top three comprehensive prostate cancer research facilities, enabling accelerated discovery, target validation, and creation of biologic- based therapeutics. It will also serve to facilitate seamless development and transfer of interventions to promote regional growth of biotechnology.