Lab Canada



Cryo-SEM system helps to visualize crystals at cryogenic temperatures

July 7, 2016 by Lab Product News Quorum Technologies, a supplier of electron microscopy coating and cryogenic preparation products, reports on the use of their PP3000T cryo preparation system in conjunction with the new beamline at Diamond Light Source to help align protein crystals prior to X-ray macromolecular crystallography experiments.
Feature Biotechnology

Big bioreactor BREAKTHROUGH

December 1, 2015 by Lab Canada No matter what the industry, taking the step from providing components to creating long-term partnerships is increasingly the name of the game.   When Trelleborg Sealing Solutions wanted to break into the highly innovative life sciences industry, the company sought…
Feature Research Results

SAMPLE PREP for drugs of abuse testing

December 1, 2015 Paula Clarke, Forensic Science Ireland, Garda Headquarters, Dublin, Ireland; and Alison Wake, Genevac Ltd, Ipswich UK A method for the extraction of drugs of abuse from urine samples pertaining to drug facilitated sexual assault cases has been developed in house by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI). The method involves the use of solid phase extraction techniques prior…
Feature ChemistryNew Facilities

New lab spurs new growth

December 1, 2015 Leslie Burt, Editor/Publisher, Lab Product News A recently opened analytical research facility is breaking new ground, both with its scientific technology and with the services it is offering to private industry.
Feature Life Sciences

Automating DNA sample testing

April 1, 2015 By Robert Galvin Fine-tuning DNA sample testing with automation can improve efficiency, boost productivity, and reduce backlogs in busy forensic laboratories.


April 1, 2015 By Pamela J. Mansfield, JEOL USA Inc. In a recent collaboration, Ontario's Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change recently collaborated with JEOL USA to identify pollutants found in electronics waste recycling using new analytical methods.

Centrifugal evaporation in the kitchen

April 1, 2015 by Lab Canada At the renowned Midsummer House Restaurant in Cambridge, UK, the chefs have been experimenting with centrifugal evaporation, using the Genevac Rocket evaporator. With the centrifugal evaporation technique, Midsummer House chefs are taking large volumes of liquid and concentrating them down.…
Feature New Technology & Applications

PRECISION CLEANING in a specialty setting

November 1, 2014 by Lab Canada Staff at a rare isotope beam facility needed to develop a precision system that safely contains the harsh chemicals needed remove impurities within the linear accelerator.
Feature General Science & ResearchNew Technology & Applications

Keeping nanopositioning precise

November 1, 2014 Stefan Vorndran, VP of marketing, and Scott Jordan, director of nanoautomation technologies, both at PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. Ever-increasing requirements for more precise motion control from the optics, biotech and semiconductor industries has forced manufacturers of piezoelectric positioners to find ways to overcome their limitations while preserving the unmatched speed, reliability and resolution capabilities of piezoelectric devices.
Feature General Science & Research

Switching from HELIUM to HYDROGEN

November 1, 2014 John Speranza, vice president of commercial hydrogen product sales, Proton OnSite Gas chromatography (GC) practitioners have traditionally used helium as their carrier gas, but a helium shortage is impacting labs around the world. Laboratories are now weighing up more reliable, cost-effective options for GC and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) applications, and are increasingly turning to hydrogen, a cost-effective carrier gas that produces equal or superior results.
Feature General Science & Research

How can asset management benefit your lab?

September 1, 2014 Ben Potenza, EquipNet Inc. Working with an outsourcing partner is not a new concept within chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech companies. By concentrating on the core areas of business and working with specialists for other, non-essential tasks, they are able to manage costs better, boost…
Feature Life Sciences

Pipette system boosts lab’s productivity

September 1, 2014 by Lab Canada Integrating an Integra Viaflo 96 multichannel pipette into its high-throughput expression facility has enabled Molecular Partners in Zurich, Switzerland to streamline the discovery and development of a novel class of targeted protein therapeutics termed DARPins. Molecular Partners is a privately…
Feature Research Results

Forensic detection of regular cannabis

September 1, 2014 Joe Anacleto, VP for market development, Bruker Daltonics Applied Markets Business Group; A. Collgros, application engineer, Bruker France; and A. Hurbain, application engineer, Bruker France In a study, scientists conducted forensic detection of regular cannabis use by the analysis of THC-COOH in hair using gas chromatography mass spectrometry.

Gas analyzer helps High Arctic research

April 1, 2014 by Lab Canada A portable FTIR gas analyzer is helping Canadian researchers to study greenhouse gases in the desert soils of the Canadian Arctic.
Feature Life SciencesNew Technology & Applications

Pharmaceutical small molecule crystallization

April 1, 2014 Rob Darrington, Genevac Ltd, Ipswich, UK A new technology, called eXalt, enables evaporative crystallization studies to be performed. In particular, eXalt allows for multiple small molecule actives to be crystallized from multiple different solvents all at the same time, at the same rate, and under the…
Feature New Facilities

New microscopes boost SFU lab’s capabilities

April 1, 2014 by Lab Canada Simon Fraser University’s multi-million-dollar Centre for Soft Materials, that opened earlier this year, says it now has the most advanced suite of microscopes in Western Canada with the recent installation of a suite of high-end electron microscopes. The systems installed…
Feature New Technology & Applications

Improving nano-scale imaging

February 1, 2014 Jim McMahon Negative-stiffness vibration isolators can easily support the heavy weight of a combined AFM/micro-Raman system, and isolate it from low frequency vibrations more effectively than high-performance air tables or active isolation systems.
Feature Life Sciences

System improves particle size analysis

February 1, 2014 by Lab Canada This case history discusses how a nanoparticle tracking system allows a liver disease research team to measure size distribution and quantity of extracellular vesicles in samples.

Capturing aroma in Scottish whisky

February 1, 2014 By David Scott, PerkinElmer Inc. The production of whisky requires maturation in wooden casks for the full development of the finished product's character. Subtle differences in the casks' conditioning can produce quite different flavours and aromas that require skillful blending to achieve a consistent product. This article explores an effective means of identifying low concentration volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in potable spirits.

Analyzer automates QC functions

February 1, 2014 by Lab Canada Victorinox, maker of the legendary Swiss Army knife, needed to automate its production quality control process. The process is part of a factory automation system in which only one non-specialist worker runs the entire moulding operation. The automation system required…
Feature General Science & Research


January 1, 2014 Rebecca Reid, BIG Cloner Many scientists in Canada fear that changes being made to our nation's science policy are detrimental to the future of science in this country. The Canadian Association of University Teachers has launched a campaign to promote awareness about this issue, and its executive director, James L. Turk, recently spoke to Lab Product News about the issues facing Canadian scientists today.