Lab Canada

$53M in CFI funding announced

Winnipeg, MB The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has announced $53 million in funding for projects across the country.

“CFI investments provide vital infrastructure in communities across the country and create opportunities for leveraging the work being undertaken by our enterprising researchers,” said Dr Gilles G Patry, the organization’s president and chief executive officer. “Cutting-edge research facilities are magnets that attract the best talent from around the world, allowing them to work with business and train a new generation of Canadian researchers and innovators.”

The funding, made under the Leaders Opportunity Fund (LOF), will support 207 projects at 42 Canadian research institutions across Canada.

The full list of projects follows:

Project Title / Titre du projet

Maximum CFI Contribution / Contribution maximale de la FCI

Algoma University

Infrastructure for the Study of Soil Microbial and Plant Ecology in the Context of Exotic Biological Invasions


1 project / projet


Athabasca University

Multimedia Object Research Platform Host for Adaptive and Mobile Learning


1 project / projet


Bishop’s University

Ground-Based LIDAR Data for Modeling, Mapping and Assessment of Natural and Man-Made Structures


1 project / projet


Brandon University

A High Performance Swimming Respirometer


1 project / projet


Brock University

Centre for Multiliteracies


1 project / projet


Carleton University

Environmental Facility for Investigating Transient Dynamics of Wind Turbines


Facility for Nanostructures, Surfaces, and Sensor Interfaces (FANSSI)


The Carleton Research and Innovation in Sustainable Energy (C-RISE) House


Development of a Novel Luminescence Detector for Measurements in Proton Therapy Beams


4 projects / projets


Dalhousie University

The Impact of Oceanic Microbial Communities on Marine Biogeochemistry, Now and in the Future


Child Health and Perioperative Care Laboratory


Establishment of the Cardiovascular Neuroscience and Exercise Physiology Laboratory at Dalhousie University


Infrastructure to Examine Basic and Applied Neurophysiology and Rehabilitation Post-Stroke


Inorganic Polyphosphate of Mammalian Mitochondria: Its Metabolism and Role in Regulation of Cell Death


5 projects / projets


École Polytechnique de Montréal

*Hydrodynamic Modelling of Multiphase Processes at Extreme Conditions

399 373 $

Contrôle de qualité des composites à haute performance pour l’aéronautique

399 993 $

2 projets / projects

799 366 $

* Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire industrielle du CRSNG / Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with a NSERC Industrial Chair

Lakehead University

Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic


1 project / projet


*Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with a SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative / Financement de l’infrastructure liée aux Grands travaux de recherche concertée du CRSH

Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne

Completion of the Growth Chamber Facility at the Vale Living with Lakes Centre to Support Restoration Ecology and Climate Change Research


CryoVent – Low or Zero Carbon Cryogenic Ventilation for Deep Mines


Sample Preparation and Screening Study for Fundamental Studies in Analytical Toxicology and Molecular Genetics


Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for Mineral Processing Applications


4 projects / projets



McGill Automated Plant Phenomics Platform (MAPPP)

797 980 $

Chemical Vapor Deposition Infrastructure for the Metal-Catalyzed Growth of Semiconductors

250 800 $

Deregulation of Epigenetic Regulatory Pathways in Breast Cancer

60 000 $

Development of Cerebellar Circuits

220 000 $

Development of New Methods to Investigate and Predict Urban Heat Island Effects on Water Resources Using Remote Sensing and GIS

110 000 $

Drosophila Lab to Elucidate the Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases

60 000 $

Family and Community Medicine Research

39 947 $

Identification and Characteriztion of Novel Cellular and Molecular Pathways Controlling Chronic Lung Diseases Caused by Cigarette Smoke

100 000 $

Infrastructure for a Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics Laboratory

100 000 $

Integrated Soil Sensing Technology for Optimized Management of Land Resources

100 000 $

Interaction Capture Laboratory

59 742 $

Laboratory for Clean Water Nanotechnologies

233 200 $

Laboratory for Electrochemical Reactive Imaging and Detection for Biological Systems

395 421 $

Laboratory for Ultrafast Terahertz Photonics

379 794 $

Laser Laboratory for Material Processing and Micromachining

196 992 $

Mechanisms Underlying the Learning, Production and Perception of Social Communication Signals

397 662 $

Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms of Hearing and Balance

60 000 $

Neurophysiological Basis and Remediation of Age-Related Cognitive Decline

120 000 $

Synaptic Plasticity of Neocortical Circuits

209 102 $

19 projets / projects

3 890 640 $

McMaster University

Laboratory Support for Model Driven Engineering of Software for Automotive Applications


Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Microbiome Research in Health and Disease


Characterization and Testing of Smart Hydrogel Materials for Biomedicine


Infrastructure for Pediatric Exercise and Environmental Testing and Flow Cytometry Suite


Laboratory for Rare Stable Isotope Research


5 projects / projets


Nipissing University

Interactions Between the Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia and the Efficiency of Pulmonary Gas Exchange, Cardiac Output, Muscle Oxygen Consumption, and Heart Rate Variability During Exercise in Humans


1 project / projet


Nova Scotia Agricultural College

Accelerated Solvent Extraction to Analyze Organic Contaminants from Land Applied Municipal Biosolids


1 project / projet


Queen’s University

Chemically-Induced Ventricular Septation Defects; Mechanisms and Long-Term Health Consequences


Cooperative Mining Machines Research Test-Bed


Miniaturized Power Sources for MEMS Applications: Novel Microfluidic Rechargeable Batteries


Parametric Imaging Program:  3D Strain and Stress for the Detection of Cardiovascular Disease


4 projects / projets


St. Francis Xavier University

Equipment for Isotopic Measurement and Visual Characterization of Solid Environmental Samples


Research Equipment for the Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationship Studies of Antimicrobial Natural Products


2 projects / projets


Université Laval

*Enabling Photonic Innovations for Information and Communication

800 000 $

Effets moléculaires des rayons ultraviolets du soleil sur l’oeil

109 330 $

Infrastructure pour l’étude de l’écologie des mammifères marins polaires : Influence des paramètres individuels et environnementaux sur le statut des populations et leurs écosystèmes

92 240 $

Instrumentation d’un laboratoire d’hydrologie isotopique adapté au contexte d’études scientifiques en milieux forestiers éloignés

56 798 $

Laboratory in Knowledge Translation Research in Primary Care (Phase II)

153 456 $

Laboratoire d’enquête ethnologique et mu
ltimédia (LEEM), phase 3. Mettre les nouvelles technologies au service de la sauvegarde et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine immatériel

39 991 $

Laboratoire de recherche en virologie appliquée à l’ingénierie des procédés de culture de cellules animales

155 250 $

Plateforme de caractérisation du micro-environnement prostatique pour diagnostic, pronostic et suivi d’intervention de prévention du cancer

124 092 $

Research Platform in Cardiometabolic Imaging: Resolving the Determinants and Consequences of Vulnerable Atherosclerosis

132 000 $

Sleep and Chronobiology Laboratory

225 266 $

Équipement pour l’isolement  des constituants  des extraits forestiers : chromatographie liquide haute performance semi-préparative

52 648 $

Étude du rôle des plaquettes et microparticules dans les maladies inflammatoires et immunitaires

152 079 $

12 projets / projects

2 093 150 $

* Financement de l’infrastructure liée à une Chaire d’excellence du CERC / Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with a CERC Excellence Chair

Université de Moncton

Outils de contrôle et d’optimisation de la déposition par jet moléculaire assistée par laser de revêtements destinés à des applications industrielles


1 projet / project


Université de Montréal

High Performance Mass Spectrometry Platform for Protein Modification Profiling and De Novo Peptide Sequencing

694 235 $

*Infrastructure logicielle du Laboratoire sur la cyberjustice

116 887 $

Biophotonics: from Fundamental Research to Clinical Application in the Visual System

203 041 $

Establishment of Dr B Wilhelm’s Lab to Discover Novel and Recurrent Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

120 000 $

Genetics of Developmental Disorders

352 088 $

Identification and Functional Dissection of Novel Proteins in Centrosome Biology

113 982 $

Infrastructure for Imaging and Genetic Analysis for Studies on Vaso-Proliferative Ocular Disease

139 756 $

Infrastructure for the Establishment of an Ribonucleoprotein Biochemistry and Proteomics Laboratory

212 515 $

Investigation of Novel Methods of Telomere Maintenance in Cellular Senescence, Aging, and Cancer

240 000 $

Laboratoire de neuroimagerie du cycle éveil-sommeil, de l’apprentissage moteur et de l’activité physique dans le vieillissement normal et pathologique

239 509 $

Laboratoire sur les interactions toxicologiques dans les mélanges de xénobiotiques

173 122 $

Molecular Cell Biology of Proprotein Convertases in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases: Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Targets

157 940 $

Molecular Mechanisms of Breast Cancer Malignancy

123 069 $

The Role of Ecto-Nucleotidases in Cancer: Validating Novel Therapeutic Targets

100 000 $

Une infrastructure novatrice pour l’étude du remodelage pulmonaire asthmatique et de sa réversibilité à l’aide d’un modèle équin d’asthme chronique

190 759 $

Évaluation de l’efficacité de corrections orthognatiques chez les adolescents souffrant de troubles respiratoires du sommeil, de somnolence diurne et de céphalées

203 672 $

16 projets / projects

3 380 575 $

*Financement de l’infrastructure liée aux Grands travaux de recherche concertée du CRSH / Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with a SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative

Université de Sherbrooke

Establishment of Molecular Genetics Laboratory on Telomere Protection and Genome Stability

99 922 $

Infrastructure for Advanced Non-Intrusive Tomographic Investigation of Complex Flows

320 000 $

Laboratoire de contrôle de qualité de procédés industriels

81 551 $

Laboratory for Integrative Research in Ecology, Genetics, and Conservation Laboratoire de recherche intégrant l’écologie, la génétique et la conservation

59 836 $

Platform for Nanomaterials Excitation and In-Situ Diagnostics

107 336 $

Rheological Characterization of Bioplastics

100 000 $

Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry for Open-Channel Flow and Ecohydraulic Studies

90 000 $

Étude de la thixotropie et de la rhéologie des bétons à haute performance (BHP) pour améliorer la performance et la durabilité des infrastructures routières

87 599 $

8 projets / projects

946 244 $

Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Équipements pour la caractérisation de revêtements glaciophobes

393 801 $

1 projet / project

393 801 $

Université du Québec à Montréal

Infrastructure for the Micro-Fabrication and Characterization of Wireless Microelectromechanical Integrated Sensing Systems

206 018 $

MIMO Cognitive-Radio Wireless Mesh Network test-bed (McMesh)

160 281 $

2 projets / projects

366 299 $

Université du Québec à Rimouski

A Portable and Towable Acoustic System for Coastal Oceanographic Measurements

56 480 $

1 projet / project

56 480 $

Trent University

Elemental Dynamics in the Environment


Neural Organization of Long-Term Memories


2 projects / projets


Trinity Western University

400 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer and Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization – Time-of-Flight – Mass Spectrometer for an Advanced Analytical Laboratory


1 project / projet


University of Alberta

Soil, Water, Air, Manure, Plant (SWAMP) Lab: Analytical Infrastructure for Studying Trace Element Cycling at Interfaces


*Holocene Archaeology of Northeast Asia


A Prion Imaging Laboratory


Advanced Analytical Facility for Environmental Soil Research


An Ultra-Sensitive Device for Measuring and Imaging Trace Radioactive Impurities in Materials for Dark Matter Searches


Creation of a Laboratory to Study the Role of the Hsp90 Chaperone in Cancer


Defining New Roles for Bcl-2 Family Members in Breast Cancer: Implications for Improved Treatment Options and Novel Therapies


Infrastructure for Telerobotic & Biorobotic Systems Laboratory (TBSL)


Infrastructure for the Environmental Surface Research Laboratory


Innate and Adaptive Killer Lymphocyte Responses


Innovative Research Infrastructure to Propel Implementation and Evaluation of Comprehensive School Health


Laboratory for Investigation of Spatiotemporal Molecular Gradients in Biological Systems: Screening Infrastructure for Dynamic Molecular Tools, Materials, and Synthetic Extracellular Environments


Laboratory for Monitoring the Pathogenic Potential of Environmental Bacterial Populations


Lipid Metabolic Disorders


Preterm Birth: Prediction, Prevention and Technology Commercialization


Research Infrastructure for the Characterization of Interfacial Properties, Intermolecular and Surface Interactions in Soft Materials, Nanomaterials and Biological Systems


Super-Resolution Imaging of Virus-Host Interactions


The Role and Discovery of Bioactive Small Molecules from Marine Microbial Communities


18 projects / projets


*Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with a SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative / Financement de l’infrastructure liée aux Grands travaux de recherche concertée du CRSH

University of British Columbia (The)

A Computational Platform for Web Application Testing, Energy-Efficiency, Reliability and Security (WATERS)


Centre for Seaweed Ecophysiology and Biomechanics (CSEB)


Crystallography of Biosynthetic Enzymes Laboratory


Establishment of a Laboratory for the Biomechanics and Neuromuscular Control of Animal Flight


Facilities for Electrochemical Studies Related to Energy and Environment Research


Hybrid MicroPET/SPECT and CT Preclinical Imaging


Infrastructure for a Motion Analysis and Biofeedback Laboratory


Instrumentation for Monitoring Low-Temperature and Ultrafine Aerosols


Integrative Cerebrovascular Research Laboratory


Large-Scale Drivers of Ecosystem Perturbation and Field Tests of their Effects on Freshwater Systems


Living Laboratory for Research on Cognitive Development


Mechanistic Understanding of Physical Activity in Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship


Microfluidics Technologies for Studying Cell Biomechanics


Research Laboratory for the Study of Climate and the Cryosphere: Field Equipment and Computing Laboratory for Assessing the Impact of Clima
te Change on Glaciers and Glaciated Landscapes


Smart Materials and Structures Laboratory (SMSL) for Innovative Civil Infrastructure


Soil Microbial Ecology Research Laboratory


Test Equipment for Characterizing High Efficiency RF Switch-Mode Power Amplifiers


The Centre for Culture and Technology


The Power Electronics Laboratory for High Efficiency Electric Vehicle Battery Charging


UBC(3)D – The University of British Columbia Centre for Catalyst Development


20 projects / projets


University of Calgary

Active Traffic Management (ATM) Research Laboratory


Experimental Facilities for the New Unsteady Fluid Mechanics Laboratory


Fluid-Flow Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs


Generation of an Environmental Genomics System to Study the Evolutionary Consequences of Environmental Change in Canadian Freshwater Fish


Haskayne School of Business Behavioural Research Laboratory


Infrastructure Resources to Allow the Application of Zebrafish Genetics to Understand Neural and Vascular Development


Instrumentation for Prospective Identification, Single-Cell Sorting and High-Resolution Imaging of Multipotent Dermal Stem Cells


Microscopy Tools for the Study of Uterine Smooth Muscle Function in Human Pre-Term Labour


Quantum Nanophotonics Laboratory (QNL)


9 Projects / Projets


University of Guelph

Advanced Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Process Lab for Wastewater Treatment, Reuse, and Energy Recovery


Characterizing Flavours in Foods


Innovations and Advances in Youth Mental Health


Integrative & Innovative Biodiversity Analysis from the Tundra to the Tropics


4 projects / projets


University of Lethbridge

Preparative Biochemistry Suite for the Study of the Ribosome as a Biomolecular Nanomachine


1 project / projet


University of Manitoba

Infrastructure for Metabolic Profiling of Flavour Formation of Functional Foods


Infrastructure for a Nutritional Immunology Laboratory


Mobile Atmospheric Research System (MARS) for Surface-Atmosphere and Severe Weather Research


3 projects / projets


University of New Brunswick

Infrastructure for Molecular Research in Plastid Evolution and Algal Diversity


1 project / projet


University of Ottawa / Université d’Ottawa

*Laboratoire des français d’Amérique


Brain Plasticity, Neuronal and Metabolic Adaptations


Innovative Cancer Therapies Targetting the Perioperative Period – A Translational Research Program


Laboratory for Applied Single-Molecule Biophysics


Laboratory for Interactive Research on Environmental and Policy Change


Magneto-Optoelectronic Materials Chemistry Laboratory


Sensorimotor Neuroscience: Examining Sensory Plasticity Associated with Motor Adaptation


Surface Nanoengineering of Implantable Metals to Guide Cell Activity and Fate


Tools for Sustainable Polymerization: Polymer Synthesis, Molecular Weight Measurement and In-line Reaction Monitoring


9 projects / projets


*Funding for Research Infrastructure Associated with a SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative / Financement de l’infrastructure liée aux Grands travaux de recherche concertée du CRSH

University of Regina

Development of Nickel Based Catalyst for the Production of Renewable Hydrogen by Autothermal Reforming of Crude Glycerol


Infrastructure for Advanced Studies in Host Specificity and Virulence


Measurements of Thermophysical Propert
ies of a Novel Energy Efficient Solvent for Design, Simulation, and Components’ Concentrations Determination for Control and Operation of a CO2 Capture Plant


3 projects / projets


University of Saskatchewan

Development of Spectral Imaging Instrumentation for Space-Based Atmospheric Remote Sensing


Electrophysiology and Molecular Neuroscience Research Laboratory


Experimental Decision Laboratory (EDL) at the University of Saskatchewan: A Facility for the Study of Decision-Making in Complex, Uncertain Situations


Hardware-In-The-Loop Simulation Facility for Power System Control and Protection Studies


Microstructural Crystal-Fabric Analyser


Multiplex System for Assessment of (Immuno) Pathogenesis Caused by Viral Infection, and Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses Induced by Vaccination


Realizing the Diagnostic Potential of Metagenomics for Animal, Human and Environmental Health


VideoTherapy Analysis Lab (ViTAL)


Whole Animal Imaging to Understand Disease and Develop Therapeutics


9 projects / projets


University of Toronto

Advanced Imaging Platforms for Basic Cancer Research


Structural Biology Facility for New Generation Cancer Research


Animal Resources to Support Cardiovascular and Cancer Research


Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Stroke in Diabetes and its Potential Therapeutic Treatments


Characterization of Cement-Based Materials Using a MicroXRF for Durable Concrete Infrastructure


Combined in Vitro/in Vivo Bioimaging Approach for Translational Research in Lung Injury and Repair


Control Mechanisms Regulating Human Memory B Cell Responses and Biomarker Discovery Using Novel Lamprey VLR Monoclonal Antibodies


Features of Activation and Antigen Recognition by Invariant Natural Killer T Cells


High Resolution Real-Time 3D Imaging of Bacterial Infection in Living Hosts: Investigation of Blood-Borne Dissemination Mechanisms of the Lyme Disease Pathogen


Identifying Hippocampal Neural Circuits Underlying Anxiety


Infrastructure for Advanced Analysis of Genome Organization and Stability


Laboratory for Structural Immunovirology- Integrated Infrastructure for Mammalian Protein Expression and Microfluidic Crystallization Screening


Laboratory for the Study of Adaptive Development and Emotions in Children and Youth


Laboratory for the Study of Optimal and Thriving Relationships


Laboratory of Complex Fluids


Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Innovative Catalytic Science


New Generation Biosensors for the Discovery of Effective Therapeutics Targeting Alzheimer’s Disease


17 projects / projets


University of Victoria

Causes and Consequences of Arctic Environmental Change: A Multiscale Approach


Distributed Optimization and Control for Multi-Agent Systems (DOC-MAS) Laboratory


GFSD – Global Financial Systems Database


Laboratory for Stem Cell Based Tissue Engineering


Live and Fixed Cell Neuro-Imaging Facility


5 projects / projets


University of Waterloo

Experimental Channel for River Hydraulics


Facility for Emerging Energy Research


Mechanical and Spectroscopic Properties of Nanoscale Soft Materials


3 projects / projets


University of Western Ontario (The)

Earth and Planetary Materials Imaging and Analysis Laboratory


Infrastructure for the Characterization of Proteins and their Modifications


Design and Test Laboratory for Implantable Integrated Circuits


Groundwater-Coastal Water Interactions Laboratory


Peptide-Based Molecular Imaging Agents


5 projects / projets


University of Windsor

Arctic Mechanistic Research System for Studying the Integrated Effects of Physiological State and Environmental Variation on Reproductive Decisions in Birds


1 project / projet


University of Winnipeg (The)

Centre for Inner-City Research, Community Learning, and Engagement (CIRCLE)


1 project / projet


Wilfrid Laurier University

High-Resolution NMR Spectrometer


1 project / projet
