Lab Canada

Product News

Spiral TOF MALDI TOF applications notebook available

This notebook features over 20 application notes describing the analysis of synthetic polymers, small organic molecules, complex drug mixtures, peptides, and proteins using the JEOL SpiralTOF MALDI TOF-TOF mass spectrometer. The time-of-flight optics design utilizes a figure-eight ion trajectory to allow a 17m flight path to fit in an extremely small console. This exceptionally long flight path results in an ultrahigh resolving power of >60,000 and sub-ppm mass accuracy. The optional TOF-TOF mode makes it the only MALDI TOF-TOF system capable of acquiring high-energy CID product-ion mass spectra for monoisotopically selected precursor ions.

The notebook can be downloaded from the JEOL USA website or is available as a printed book upon request.


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