Lab Canada

New program supports early development of bio-industrial technologies

Edmonton, AB – Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions has launched a new funding program, “Alberta Bio Future Product and Technology Commercialization,” that is aimed at helping companies with pre-commercial or commercial development of new bio-industrial products or bio-industrial technologies.

Bio-industrial products derived from agricultural or forest biomass are currently used in several sectors, ranging from areas such as personal care products, chemicals, the energy industry, construction and manufacturing. These products meet the world’s growing demand for ‘green’ solutions, while demonstrating desirable qualities such as being strong, light-weight, or environmentally friendly.

“The market demand is evident,” said Steve Price, CEO of Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions, “but taking a new bioproduct from the lab bench to commercial production is risky and expensive for many companies. With our new Alberta Bio Future Product and Technology Commercialization program we aim to help companies bridge this gap with funding, advice, and connections.”

A minimum of $250,000 and a maximum of $1,000,000 is available for projects that need pilot or scale-up work or prototype development and will be ready for the market within three years. Alberta-based companies are invited to apply by submitting a Letter of Intent. Deadline is Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 4 p.m. MT. Details are available at http://bio.albertainnovates.ca/funding/abf/product-and-technology-commercialization/.