Lab Canada

General Science & Research

News General Science & Research

Genome research gets Big Data boost

September 16, 2016 by Leslie Burt Hamilton, ON – The federal government has awarded a total of $4 million to 16 new bioinformatics and computational (B/CB) biology research projects to be conducted at academic institutions across Canada. These projects will strengthen the development of new tools…
News General Science & Research

Massive $900M in awards to transform university research

September 6, 2016 by Lab Product News Waterloo, ON – Kirsty Duncan, the federal minister of science, was at the University of Waterloo’s Institute for Quantum Computing today to announce funding of $900 million to 13 post-secondary institutions through the Canada First Research Excellence Fund. The fund…
News General Science & Research

$51M funding awarded to research projects in Ontario

September 1, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – Ontario’s provincial government is awarding a total of $51 million to support researchers across the province, laying the foundation for Ontario’s future knowledge-based economy. The funding will support 161 state-of-the-art and industry-relevant infrastructure initiatives at 25 institutions…
News General Science & ResearchNew Facilities

Massive $190M retrofit of UofT labs is underway

August 23, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – In what University of Toronto president Meric Gertler called “an historic investment in Canadian science and innovation,” the federal and provincial governments are joining with the University of Toronto to provide almost $190 million to upgrade nearly…
News General Science & Research

$1M in funding for project to treat food-processing wastewater

August 9, 2016 by Lab Product News Sydney, N.S. – Cape Breton University’s Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and Environment is receiving $1.1 million in funding from Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) for a project that supports research and development to degrade organic matter commonly found…
News General Science & Research

Northern Contaminants Program awards 53 research projects

August 3, 2016 by Lab Product News Ottawa, ON – The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) has announced the recipients of its funding program for this year. The organization supports research projects that are guided by both scientific and traditional knowledge to broaden understanding of the potential impact…
News General Science & Research

$17M supports five genomic application projects

July 13, 2016 by Lab Product News Victoria, BC – Five projects are being awarded a total of $16.9 million under Round 5 of Genome Canada’s Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP). The total includes $5.3 million through Genome Canada, and the remaining $11.6 million is being provided…
News General Science & Research

Input from scientists sought for federal science funding review

July 13, 2016 by Lab Product News Ottawa, ON – Evidence for Democracy (E4D), a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that promotes the transparent use of evidence in government decision-making in Canada, is calling for input from Canada’s science community. They are asking for feedback about what scientists think…
News General Science & ResearchNew FacilitiesResearch Labs

$3.3M multisectoral network focuses on maritime research

July 12, 2016 by Lab Product News Quebec, QC – A first-ever multi-sector research network for the maritime sector was recently launched in Québec. The Réseau Québec maritime (Québec Maritime Network) is being provided with funding of $3.3 million from Quebec’s Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation…
News General Science & Research

Summertime gatherings for chemists at Queen’s

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Kingston, ON – More than 150 scientists whose research interests involve the chemical element boron and its compounds travelled to Queen’s for the biggest-ever Boron in the Americas (BORAM) conference June 25-28. Held for the first time outside of the…
News General Science & Research

Equine sports medicine the focus of new $1.5M chair

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Calgary, AB – A new research chair – the Calgary chair in equine sports medicine – is being established by the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM). Research enabled by the chair will benefit the equine industry by…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & Research

Feds call for input on innovation agenda

June 24, 2016 by Lab Product News Ottawa, ON – The federal government has launched a website that invites Canadians to share their ideas for building the country as a global centre for innovation. The website, Canada.ca/Innovation, allows Canadians to share their ideas for positioning Canada as…
News General Science & ResearchLaboratory

$465M funding from NSERC for discovery research

June 23, 2016 by Leslie Burt Hamilton, ON – The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has announced over $465 million for more than 4,000 awards that are the result of the NSERC’s 2016 competition for the discovery research programs. The programs, which…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

$16M funding supports research into chronic health conditions

May 11, 2016 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has announced funding of $16 million over five years for eight new research teams to study the role of environmental and genetic factors in chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes,…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Fisheries and Oceans Canada to hire 135 scientists

May 11, 2016 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – The federal department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada has announced it will hire 135 research scientists, biologists, oceanographers and technicians through a national recruitment campaign. Funding for the recruitment is part of $197 million funding over five…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

First winners of Governor General’s Innovation Awards are announced

May 11, 2016 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – Canadian innovators, including several scientists, have been named as the inaugural winners of the Governor General’s Innovation Awards (GGIA). The awards recognize and celebrate outstanding Canadian individuals, teams and organizations whose exceptional and transformative work help shape…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Killam prizes announced, $1M awarded to Canadian scholars

April 21, 2016 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – The Canada Council for the Arts has announced the recipients of the 2016 Killam Program awards. The Canada Council Killam Program was inaugurated in 1967 with a donation by Mrs. Dorothy J. Killam in memory of her…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Genome BC names new chief executive officer

April 21, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – Genome BC has named Pascal Spothelfer as its new president & chief executive officer beginning Monday, June 6.   Dr. Spothelfer joins Genome BC with a great deal of business and commercialization experience. His past work has…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratoryLife Sciences

Researchers hope to change the face of sepsis treatment

April 21, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – The human and financial cost of sepsis is staggering. Of the World Health Organization’s top 10 causes of death, four fulfill the definition of sepsis. Sepsis occurs when infection results in systemic inflammation and is termed ‘severe…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Quebec researchers receive excellence awards

April 21, 2016 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – Québec’s chief scientist, Rémi Quirion, has announced the three winners of the province’s 2016 Research Professionals Excellence Awards. The winners are: Award winner, Fonds Nature et technologies: Denise Tremblay, research professional in Professor Sylvain Moineau’s laboratory, Department…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Grants boost engineering research into optical tech and lab-grown tissues

April 15, 2016 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – Two international collaborative research programs led by University of Toronto Engineering professors have received major grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. The funding will help train a new generation of experts in leading edge…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratoryLife Sciences

$1.3M research chair in airway inflammation named at University of Alberta

April 14, 2016 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB – The University of Alberta’s Harissios Vliagoftis has been appointed GSK-CIHR chair in airway inflammation. The chair – which grows out of an existing partnership between the University of Alberta, GlaxoSmithKline Inc. (GSK), and the Canadian Institutes of…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Buchi acquires laboratory instrument lines from Grace

April 14, 2016 by Lab Canada Flawil, Switzerland – Büchi Labortechnik AG, a manufacturer of laboratory instruments for R&D, quality control and production, says it has acquired the high performance Reveleris Flash Chromatography Systems, Graceresolv, and Alltech ELSD 3300 product lines from W. R. Grace &…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

$2.1M translational health chair awarded to Alberta researcher

April 12, 2016 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB – Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions (AIHS) and the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry have awarded the AIHS Translational Health Chair in Cardio-Oncology to Gopinath Sutendra, PhD. Sutendra, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Medicine &…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

$14M funding for research projects at Simon Fraser

April 12, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – Nearly $14 million in provincial funding through the BC Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF) has been awarded to researchers Simon Fraser University (SFU) to support five projects in the areas of health and life sciences.   The projects…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

New anti-cancer agent to be commercialized in Quebec partnership

April 12, 2016 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – Esperas Pharma is partnering with Quebec Clinical Research Organization in Cancer (Q-CROC) in a project to develop a new oral anticancer agent called ESP-01. The agent will be developed by Esperas for the next three and a…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Sustainable energy development projects get XPS spectrometer with CFI support

April 12, 2016 by Lab Canada Saskatoon, SK – Researchers at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) will develop materials critical to sustainable energy development and other fields through $577,000 funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). The project received the funding from the…
News ChemistryCommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Challenges of using big data in chemicals regulations to be probed at upcoming forum

April 5, 2016 by Lab Canada Helsinki, Finland – The use of big data holds great promise for regulators and industry alike in the world’s chemicals sector. In the past decade or so, regulations on chemicals control have generated huge amounts of data for international authorities…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Dr Janet Rossant wins Henry G Friesen International Prize in Health Research

April 5, 2016 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – Internationally renowned developmental and stem cell biologist Dr. Janet Rossant has won the 2016 Henry G. Friesen International Prize in Health Research. Her research has demonstrated the origin of cells in the early embryo that can give…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

New wine analysis lab coming to Nova Scotia

March 31, 2016 by Lab Canada Wolfville, NS – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada has announced funding of $487,960 over two years to establish a new wine analysis lab at Acadia University. Nova Scotia currently has 20 wineries and the industry produces about 1.8 million litres of…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

Agrifood research collaborations get $5M boost

March 31, 2016 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – Quebec’s provincial government has allocated $1 million per year for five years for the creation of the McGill Agrifood Innovation Network (M.A.I.N.), to be led by the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and CTAQ (Conseil de la…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratory

$62M in funding for new research networks that tackle chronic diseases

March 31, 2016 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – Through the federal government’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR), the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) is providing a total of $62.25 million to support five new pan-Canadian research networks in chronic disease over five years. The…