Lab Canada

Life Sciences

News CollaborationsLife SciencesNew Facilities

$4.5M aimed at finding new treatments for rare diseases

September 15, 2016 by Lab Product News Halifax, NS – One in 15 babies born in Canada has what is called an orphan disease. And even though there are more than 7,000 such diseases that affect over 300 million people globally, they are considered rare. “If you…
News Life Sciences

Schizophrenia medication inhibits pancreatic cancer

September 9, 2016 by Lab Product News Montreal, QC – A receptor for the dopamine neurotransmitter promotes growth and spread of pancreatic cancer – and schizophrenia drugs, which block the function of this receptor, slowed tumour growth and metastatic spread in mice, according to researchers at McGill…
News Life Sciences

Big data making a big impact on cancer care

September 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – There is no denying that cancer is an incredibly complex disease – it is always changing, evolving, and adapting. To understand how a cancer grows, spreads, and kills, researchers need to examine a lot of data from…
News Life SciencesNew Facilities

Cardiovascular Genetics Centre takes step toward personalized medicine

September 1, 2016 by Lab Product News Montreal, ON – The Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) has officially opened its new Cardiovascular Genetics Centre. “We’ve just made an important step towards personalized medicine. This is the only specialized centre in Quebec with comprehensive expertise in patient monitoring thanks…
News Life SciencesResearch Results

Scientists develop inexpensive microneedle system to monitor drugs

August 24, 2016 by Lab Product News Vancouver, BC – Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) in Switzerland have created a microneedle drug monitoring system that could one day replace costly, invasive blood draws and improve patient comfort. The…
News Life Sciences

Kidney podocyte researcher gets $750,000 in CIHR funding

August 23, 2016 by Lab Product News Guelph, ON – Nina Jones, a professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Guelph and Canada research chair in eukaryotic cellular signalling, has received a five-year grant worth nearly $750,000. The funding comes from…
News CollaborationsLife Sciences

Collaborative study aims to identify breast cancer mutations

August 23, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) has entered into a new collaborative research study with Thermo Fisher Scientific and Queen’s University to help bring more targeted diagnosis and treatment to breast cancer patients in the future.…
News Life Sciences

$2M funding supports study of drug-resistant pathogens

August 9, 2016 by Lab Product News Guelph, ON – Battling disease-causing bacteria – including potentially deadly microbes resistant to current therapies – is the ultimate goal of research by a University of Guelph microbiologist chosen to receive a $2-million federal grant. Prof. Chris Whitfield, Department of…
News Life SciencesResearch Results

Canadian discovery may soon lead to the prevention of cardiac fibrosis

July 27, 2016 by Lab Product News Edmonton, AB – Groundbreaking research from the University of Alberta and McGill University has opened the door towards the future prevention of cardiac fibrosis — a condition leading to heart failure for which there is currently no treatment. The collaborative…
News Life Sciences

New program supports research using biomedical imaging

July 25, 2016 by Lab Product News Quebec, QC – The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space of the State of Israel…
News Life SciencesResearch Results

Fat cells may play key role in battle against breast cancer

July 25, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – New research led by York University Professor Michael Connor highlights how fat cells could help determine the most effective way to fight breast cancer; including using exercise to combat the disease. Previously, adipose tissue (body fat) was…
News Life SciencesNew Facilities

$15M funding supports cancer immunotherapy research centre

July 18, 2016 by Lab Product News Montréal, QC – The Centre for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy (C3i) has received $15 million funding over five years from the federal government. Immunotherapy is an emerging area of medicine that uses the power of the immune system to combat…
News Life Sciences

Asthma researchers awarded international medical prize

July 14, 2016 by Lab Product News London, ON – The 2016 recipients of the J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine have made it their mission to better understand asthma with the aim of informing practice for better therapy and management. Drs. Malcolm Sears and Stephen…
News Life SciencesNew Facilities

New lab to facilitate immunotherapy clinical trials

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Victoria, B.C. – A lab for T-cell therapy development recently opened at the BC Cancer Agency and brings an entirely new approach to cancer treatment one step closer. Built with the support of private philanthropic funds, the Conconi Family Immunotherapy…
News Academic ResearchLife Sciences

$10M funding supports new Canada excellence research chair

July 6, 2016 by Leslie Burt Quebec City, QC – The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is providing $10 million over seven years to fund the research of Vincenzo Di Marzo at the Université Laval. A globally renowned biochemist and pharmacologist from Italy, Di Marzo…
News BiologyLife Sciences

$10M gift supports study of brain disorders

June 20, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – CIFAR, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, has received a $10 million gift for the study of brain disorders from the Azrieli Foundation. The organization says it is the largest it has ever received from a philanthropic…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Vitamin D may not be a great solution to health problems

June 16, 2016 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB – As Canadians prepare for long summer days in the sun, a new publication is shedding light on the suggested medical benefits of a nutrient that comes with the sun’s rays: vitamin D. The vital nutrient is widely…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Simple test detects prostate cancer treatment resistance

June 14, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – Dr. Kim Chi, medical oncologist and senior scientist at the BC Cancer Agency, and his colleagues at the Vancouver Prostate Centre, have demonstrated the clinical value of performing genomic profiling through non-invasive blood tests to benefit patients…
News CommercializationLaboratoryLife Sciences

Personalized medicine research gets $600,000 boost

June 14, 2016 by Lab Canada London, ON – 3M Canada has donated $600,000 to support research into precision medicine at London Health Sciences Centre and St. Joseph’s Health Care London.   At London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC), the $300,000 gift will support the purchase of…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Studies show immune cells create conditions for metastatic tumour growth

June 7, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – When a person suffers a cut or wound, their immune system leaps into action to prevent infection. After invading pathogens are destroyed, “immune suppressive cells” shut down the body’s immune response so that healthy tissues are not…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$5M funding for the global fight against Zika virus

May 24, 2016 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – The federal government has announced funding of $4.95 million in the global fight against the Zika virus. On February 1, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus a public health emergency of international concern, as…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Researchers identify brain cells that aid appetite control

May 20, 2016 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – It is rare for scientists to get clean results without spending a lot of time repeating the same experiment over and over again. But when researchers saw the mice they were working with doubling their weight within…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

New test to stop bacteria at factory door

May 19, 2016 by Lab Canada London, ON – What began as a conversation between parents at a hockey game could very well lead to the faster detection of a deadly E. coli bacteria, with the potential to drastically improve food safety around the world. “One…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Scientists map the spread of deadliest ovarian cancer

May 19, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – BC Cancer Agency researchers are providing critical insight into the invasive spread of the most malignant form of ovarian cancer in a landmark study, published this week in Nature Genetics. This is a first in mapping two…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Making organs transparent to improve nanomedicine

May 13, 2016 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – Treating a disease without causing side effects is one of the big promises of nanoparticle technology. But fulfilling it remains a challenge. One of the obstacles is that researchers have a hard time seeing where nanoparticles go…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

International cancer genome consortium will link genomics to clinical data

April 29, 2016 by Lab Canada New Orleans, LA – The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) has announced plans to launch the International Cancer Genome Consortium for Medicine (ICGCmed), a new phase in the consortium’s evolution that will link genomics to clinical information and health.  …
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Researchers find cause of rare gastric cancer

April 27, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – An international study with BC Cancer Agency researchers has discovered the genetic cause of a rare gastric condition that can lead to stomach cancer.   The team, including Dr. David Huntsman, distinguished scientist at the BC Cancer…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$4M partnership to study personalized medicine in oncology

April 22, 2016 by Lab Canada Moncton, NB – The Exactis Innovation Personalize My Treatment (PMT) research initiative is receiving $2 million in funding from Merck, along with $1 million each from the Cancer Research Society (CRS) and the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF).  …
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Biobank launches in BC with $1.25M funding

April 21, 2016 by Lab Canada Victoria. BC – Northern BC will soon have the first biobank of its kind in the province. A collection of biological samples that capture valuable health info about the local community, the Northern Biobank Initiative Phase 2 will help researchers…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratoryLife Sciences

Researchers hope to change the face of sepsis treatment

April 21, 2016 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – The human and financial cost of sepsis is staggering. Of the World Health Organization’s top 10 causes of death, four fulfill the definition of sepsis. Sepsis occurs when infection results in systemic inflammation and is termed ‘severe…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & ResearchLaboratoryLife Sciences

$1.3M research chair in airway inflammation named at University of Alberta

April 14, 2016 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB – The University of Alberta’s Harissios Vliagoftis has been appointed GSK-CIHR chair in airway inflammation. The chair – which grows out of an existing partnership between the University of Alberta, GlaxoSmithKline Inc. (GSK), and the Canadian Institutes of…
News CollaborationsLaboratoryLife Sciences

Big data collaboration to further OICR’s research capabilities

April 5, 2016 by Lab Canada Portland, OR – The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) is joining a pioneering big data management platform called the Collaborative Cancer Cloud along with Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and…