Lab Canada

Life Sciences

News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Researchers confirm prion-like properties in ALS

September 20, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – A team of researchers from the University of British Columbia and the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute have found a key link between prions and the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesNew Technology & Applications

$1.9M grant supports project to deliver colorectal cancer drug via magnetic resonance

September 13, 2011 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – The Québec Consortium for Drug Discovery (CQDM) has granted $1.9 million in funding to Professor Sylvain Martel, director of Polytechnique Montréal’s Nanorobotics Laboratory, for his research project on colorectal cancer treatment. Professor Martel was the world’s first…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Researchers discover cellular process that clears cholesterol

September 8, 2011 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – Researchers at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) have discovered that an ancient pathway called autophagy also mobilizes and exports cholesterol from cells. A team led by Dr Yves Marcel, director of the HDL Biology Laboratory,…
News CollaborationsLaboratoryLife Sciences

MS researcher receives funding as part of new collaboration

September 7, 2011 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – Multiple sclerosis (MS) researcher Dr Jeffery D Haines has received the first of four awards being given as part of a new collaboration between the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) and the Multiple Sclerosis…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Results of viral therapy trial in cancer patients are promising

August 31, 2011 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – Researchers from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI), the University of Ottawa (uOttawa), biotherapeutics company Jennerex and several other institutions today reported promising results of a world-first cancer therapy trial in the journal Nature. The trial is…
News CollaborationsLaboratoryLife Sciences

$2.7M to fund depression-related biomarker research

August 29, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – Pharmaceutical company Lundbeck Canada has made a donation of $2.7 million to support groundbreaking research at the University Health Network to identify biomarkers (biological markers) that will enhance the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from major…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$12.6M supports high-impact clinical trials for cancer research

August 22, 2011 by Lab Canada Kingston, ON – Dr Tom Hudson, president and scientific director of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR), has announced $12.6 million in funding over four years for OICR’s High Impact Clinical Trials (HICT) program. The HICT program, led by…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Researchers find link between gut bacteria and behaviour

August 15, 2011 by Lab Canada Hamilton, ON – For the first time, researchers at McMaster University have conclusive evidence that bacteria residing in the gut influence brain chemistry and behaviour. The findings are important because several common types of gastrointestinal disease, including irritable bowel syndrome,…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesNew FacilitiesNew Technology & Applications

$16M cancer research lab opens in Ottawa

August 8, 2011 by Lab Canada Ottawa, ON – The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) recently opened a new $15.8 million laboratory that is designed to accelerate the development and testing of new cancer therapies. “It typically takes more than a decade to turn a promising…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

New genetic mutations found for non-Hodgkin lymphoma

August 8, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – BC Cancer Agency scientists have identified a number of new genetic mutations involved in non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). This massive cancer-sequencing study, published online in Nature, is expected to open a floodgate for researchers around the world to…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Ontario Institute for Cancer Research receives $420M for cancer research

July 28, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) will receive $420 million over five years from the Ontario government to continue its research into the prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The institute will also occupy…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Research pinpoints susceptible target for leukemia

July 25, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – New research from the BC Cancer Agency’s Terry Fox Lab pinpoints a susceptible target for combating many forms of leukemia. Scientists have identified a previously unknown gene involved in the beginning life cycle and spread of leukemias.…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Partnership to foster research into genomics and personalized medicine

July 25, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – Genome British Columbia has announced a new Personalized Medicine Program that will fund projects aimed at using genomic sciences to tailor improved medical treatments for patients. The announcement was made in partnership with the BC Cancer Foundation.…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$2.9M supports research projects into prion disease

July 18, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – A total of $2.9 million in funding for 11 research projects has been announced by PrioNet Canada. The goal of the funding is two-fold, says Dr Neil Cashman, scientific director of PrioNet Canada, one of Canada’s Network…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Novus Biologicals opens Canadian office

July 14, 2011 by Lab Canada Littleton, CO – Novus Biologicals, supplier of antibodies and antibody-related products to bioscience researchers, says it has opened a Canadian office in Oakville, ON. The Colorado-based company also has international offices in Cambridge, UK. “Canada has remarkably talented research scientists…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Medical fair sees 4,500 booth space bookings

July 11, 2011 by Lab Canada Düsseldorf, Germany – It’s four months to show time for the world’s largest medical trade fair, MEDICA 2011and its sister event, COMPAMED, and organizer Messe Düsseldorf says that around 4,500 exhibitors have so far booked around 1.2 million square feet…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Human blood stem cell discovery at University Health Network

July 7, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – An Ontario Cancer Institute team, lead by University Health Network (UHN) senior scientist Dr John Dick, has isolated a human blood stem cell capable of regenerating the entire blood system. The results of this study, published today…
News General Science & ResearchLaboratoryLife Sciences

$2M in grants helps tackle pressing global health challenges

June 29, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – Grand Challenges Canada has announced 19 grants to Canadian innovators in the first phase of its Canadian Rising Stars in Global Health initiative. “When I ran the in the Olympic Torch Relay with my wife Sandra, we…
News CollaborationsCommercializationLaboratoryLife Sciences

Canadian, German research centres sign commercialization agreement

June 28, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC and Dortmund, Germany – Two drug discovery and development organizations – Canada’s Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD) and Germany’s Lead Discovery Center (LDC) – have signed a partnership agreement to enable joint development of promising innovations…
News CollaborationsLaboratoryLife Sciences

Saskatchewan and Manitoba to partner on innovation and research

June 28, 2011 by Lab Canada Saskatoon, SK – Saskatchewan and Manitoba have signed a letter of intent to cooperate on research and innovation initiatives. The letter was signed today at the BIO International Convention in Washington, DC. The agreement focuses on key priority areas of…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$6M supports health research in Manitoba

June 27, 2011 by Lab Canada Winnipeg, MB – $6 million research funding is being provided to the Manitoba Health Research Council by Manitoba’s provincial government. The Manitoba Health Research Council (MHRC) supports excellence in research in the health sciences in Manitoba through its grants and…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$3M research chair to study infectious disease

June 27, 2011 by Lab Canada Winnipeg, MB – Manitoba’s first-ever research chair in the immunobiology of infectious disease has been announced at the University of Manitoba. The funding is being provided jointly by Manitoba’s provincial government, the University of Manitoba and GlaxoSmithKline. The chair will…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Breakthrough at the IRCM could help understand certain cancers

June 13, 2011 by Lab Canada Montreal, QC – A scientific breakthrough by researchers at the Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) will be published tomorrow in Developmental Cell, a scientific journal of the Cell Press group. Led by Dr Frédéric Charron, the team of…
News CommercializationLaboratoryLife SciencesTrends in Science & Research

Tech expo to profile cancer-related innovations for potential investors

June 13, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) says it will host a Technology Expo for the international financial community, featuring new cancer-related innovations and technologies that have emerged with the Institute’s support. The event will take place…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$2M funding supports cancer research in BC

May 30, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – Four grants worth $1.668 million have been awarded by the Canadian Cancer Society to support cancer research in British Columbia. The projects cover a broad spectrum of cancer research from risk reduction to genetic studies to drug…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

$4.7M pan-Canadian surgical study focuses on early-stage oral cancer

May 27, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) has announced the launch of a $4.7 million pan-Canadian Phase III clinical trial aimed at improving outcomes for patients undergoing surgery for oral squamous cell cancers. The Canadian Optically Guided Approach…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Scientists map path to generate renewable antibodies

May 15, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, ON – In the first study of its kind to date, an international group of scientists including Drs Tony Pawson and Karen Colwill at Mount Sinai Hospital and Drs Dev Sidhu and Aled Edwards at the University of Toronto…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Tips for successful cell cultures

May 12, 2011 By Ed Sullivan. Ed Sullivan is a Hermosa Beach, CA-based writer who has researched and written about For those who perform cell culture experiments, it pays to be meticulous. Even seemingly minor handling techniques and lab equipment features can make a difference in achieving success. It can be challenging to maintain pure cell cultures and keep them…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Imaging live cell response in real time

May 12, 2011 by Lab Canada Understanding the molecular mechanisms behind how cells remodel in response to mechanical stimulation is essential to developing therapies for many vascular diseases. Studies of how cytoskeletal proteins respond to mechano-chemical stimulation have traditionally relied on post-stimulation cell fixation and staining.…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

BC scientists link to European consortium studying human genome

May 9, 2011 by Lab Canada Vancouver, BC – A group of scientists in British Columbia are now part of an international team compiling an enormous bank of resources for research into the functions of all known genes. The BC focus is neurological, including the brain,…
News LaboratoryLife Sciences

Genomics researchers awarded $23 million

May 9, 2011 by Lab Canada Toronto, On – The Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) has announced funding of over $23.8 million ($11.3 million from Genome Canada, $12.5 million from co-funding) for genomics research projects. As part of the Genome Canada Large-Scale Applied Research Project Competition, which…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesNew Facilities

Animal vaccine manufacturing centre opens

May 2, 2011 by Lab Canada Belleville, ON – Biopharmaceutical company Bioniche Life Sciences has officially opened a new Animal Health and Food Safety Vaccine Manufacturing Centre at its corporate headquarters in Belleville. The company says the facility represents the largest livestock vaccine manufacturing facility in…