Lab Canada

Profitable 2011 for Canada’s chemical industry

Ottawa, ON – Canada’s chemistry sector showed strong growth and profits in 2011, according to a year-end report released last week by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada. Sales of basic chemicals and resins totalled $25 billion in 2011 – an 18 percent increase from 2010, nearly bringing sales back to their pre-recession levels – while operating profits rose 61 per cent, to $3.9 billion.

In addition: export sales increased by 20 percent to $19 billion; sales to US markets grew by 21 percent; and sales to Canadian customers rose 13 percent, to $6.5 billion.

Despite solid profits in 2011, low-to-modest growth is forecast for the chemistry industry in 2012. CIAC members say they expect their sales to increase by only 2 percent in 2012, as a result of global economic uncertainty, feedstock availability, the strength of the Canadian dollar, and rising electricity and labour costs.

The survey is available at www.canadianchemistry.ca.