Lab Canada

Collaboration to cover materials research and pipeline technology in the north

Calgary, AB – Natural Resources Canada’s CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory has signed research agreements with the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta to collaborate on materials research with a focus on emerging technologies for new pipelines, in particular pipelines to be located in Northern Canada.

“This agreement will enhance collaboration between University of Calgary researchers and their colleagues at Natural Resources Canada, providing important synergies and leveraging our university’s strength in the high-priority areas of energy and environmental research,” said Dr McCauley, vice-president of research at the University of Calgary. “In particular, it will help advance the work being done by our Pipeline Engineering Centre in the Schulich School of Engineering to improve the safety, security and efficiency of energy pipelines.”

“The University of Alberta is delighted to formalize this important partnership with Natural Resources Canada,” said Dr Babiuk, vice-president of research at the University of Alberta. “Both entities bring particular expertise to the collaboration that will enhance the research, commercialization and training of highly qualified personnel in materials innovation, an area of strategic importance to our country.”