Lab Canada

$7M research chairs to turn science into enterprise

Fredericton, NB – The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) has established the first three of six new applied research chairs valued at over $3,525,000 over five years. When complete, the organization says that over $7 million will be awarded for outstanding researchers to work with industry and turn their innovations into enterprise.

Areas of research for the first round include the commercialization of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids for food and pharmaceuticals; advanced cyber security threat detection, response and mitigation systems; and biomedical human prosthetic and augmentation devices. The next round is open to exceptional researchers from across Canada and around the world.

The inaugural recipients of the New Brunswick Innovation Research Chairs are:

Each will receive $1,000,000 in applied research funding over five years, plus funding for two graduate research assistants and one research technician, valued at $175,000. The remaining three chairs will be selected in the winter of 2015. The competition begins with a letter of intent to be delivered to NBIF not later than October 31, 2014. For the final round, preference will be given to candidates that are external to the applicant organization. More information about the competition is available on the foundation’s website.