Lab Canada

Partnership to boost research in Quebec

Montreal, QC – The Quebec Research Fund (NRF) and the National Fund for Scientific Research, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels (FWB) in Belgium, have signed an agreement that will promote scientific collaboration between researchers in Quebec and FWB, and in all fields of science and technology covered by four funds (FNRS, FRQ: Nature and Technology, Health, Society and Culture).


“This agreement represents a first step of a future protocol of cooperation agreement that will encourage the development of links between researchers in Quebec and FWB around common themes and research questions. Such an agreement will lead to great opportunities for our researchers, “said Rémi Quirion, chief scientist of Quebec, who also runs three research funds.


The agreement aims to encourage scientific collaborations, in particular by supporting the organization of meetings, workshops and symposia of mutual interest, the realization of mutual interests of research projects or other forms of cooperation scientist.


“La Francophonie and the level of excellence of Québec Research Fund are natural partners of the National Fund for Scientific Research, also their respective researchers already co-publish intensively. We hope that this agreement, and the future memorandum of agreement will strengthen this collaboration and will lead to strong and lasting partnerships, “said Véronique Halloin, secretary general of the FNRS.


The NRF and the FNRS will soon conclude a cooperation protocol agreement for a period of five years.