Lab Canada

$1.45M funding for industrial product development centre

Saguenay, QC – The Centre de haute technologie Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean (CHT) in Jonquire has received $1.45 million in funding from the federal government.

The money will be used to help improve the competitive standing of the regions small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through the development of new products derived from advanced manufacturing engineering and industrial research.

The CHT project involves setting up a multi-purpose R&D workshop that combines the expertise and equipment needed to assist SMEs in the design of new products or processes.

As the only regional stakeholder of its kind, the CHT guides enterprises in their technological development projects and, in so doing, helps place the entire Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean region at the heart of innovation. The CHT is a key player that helps secure a promising future for the regions SMEs, says Jean-Pierre Blackburn, federal minister of labour and minister of canada economic development.