Lab Canada

$2.5M project to commercialize bioengineering research

Calgary, AB – An engineering researcher at the University of Calgary will receive a $2.5 million award to commercialize electrical engineering and biomedical research.

One of the key projects of Dr Michal Okoniewski and his team is a micro-scale chip that will have the same functional capacity as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) devices.

The history of science and engineering suggests that teams like ours make great leaps by focusing on a goal, yet creating a culture that welcomes new possibilities, says Dr Okoniewski, the newly named Alvin Libin ingenuity chair in biomedical engineering.

The chair award is a partnership between the Schulich School of Engineering and Alberta Ingenuity, providing $150,000 per year from the Schulich benefaction and $100,000 per year from Alberta Ingenuity. The chair is one of three new major chairs made possible by the endowment from Seymour Schulich to the engineering faculty two years ago. It is named after Alberta Ingenuitys founding board chair, Alvin Libin.