Lab Canada

$225,000 grant supports co-generation field test using biogas from wastewater

Fort Saskatchewan, AB – With the help of a $225,000 grant, the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission is embarking on a 12-month field test to enhance the use of biogas from the wastewater treatment process. The grant was awarded by the Green Municipal Fund.

In the test, the commission will combust a portion of raw biogas in a combined heat and power system using a 58 kW Stirling Cycle external combustion engine. Results from the test will be analyzed to determine the viability and efficiencies (energy, operations and maintenance) that can be gained by a full-scale system in the range of 4 MW.

“Estimates suggest that during the test period, the 55 kW unit would consume 321,000 m3 of raw biogas, would generate 462,000 kWh of power per year (for savings of $25,000), and would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 455,200 kg by displacing electricity generated at coal-fired plants,” says Ken Scott, the commission’s chairman. He adds that a fully implemented system would provide over 50% (an estimated 3,410,400 kWh) of the plant’s power needs, 90% of current heating needs and a total greenhouse gas reduction estimated at approximately 3.5 million kilograms.

The federal government has endowed the Federation of Canadian Municipalities with $550 million to establish and manage the Green Municipal Fund. The fund supports partnerships and leveraging of both public and private sector funding to reach higher standards of air, water and soil quality, and climate protection.