Lab Canada

$300,000 supports biogas research on hog farms

Winnipeg, MB – A new program being set up by Manitoba’s provincial government will provide $300,000 to support the construction and feasibility assessment of anaerobic digesters at three hog operations.

Anaerobic digestion is a process that breaks down manure components producing biogas which can be used as a heating source or for the generation of electricity.

Evaluating how well this process works in the Manitoba climate will provide valuable insight to hog producers while potentially creating a new source of bio-energy, said Rosann Wowchuk, the province’s minister of agriculture, food and rural initiatives. The digester process could also help with nutrient management in the waste-water stream plus odour control and pathogen reduction.

A $100,000 funding package will be offered over two fiscal years to each of the three hog operations with the first payment available in the 2006-07 fiscal year.

The provincial funding will help fund the testing of each system to determine the overall environmental, technical and economic feasibility of different anaerobic digestion processes for various types of hog operations.