Lab Canada

$41.5M boost for agricultural research programs

Regina, SK – The Saskatchewan government says it has reached an agreement with the federal government on the use of $41.5 million in federal Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) wedge and rollover funds.

“This funding is part of the commitment of both Canada and Saskatchewan to science and innovation,” said Mark Wartman, Saskatchewan agriculture and food minister. “Saskatchewan has a very large agricultural capacity, and requires an equally large research capacity to maximize its potential. Additional resources in crop and animal genetics, biofuel research, and the development of new high value feed products are a few examples where enhanced research and development efforts will create dividends in a stronger and more competitive agricultural industry.”

The $41.5 million in federal APF funds will be used to contribute to the provinces science and innovation program expenditures under APF for the period of 2003-08.

As a result of this agreement, Saskatchewan is expanding research programs and/or facilities at a number of agriculture research institutions in the province. It says it plans to:

– Add three new research chairs at the University of Saskatchewan and one new chair at the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute;

– Provide $5.8 million for equipment and laboratory facilities that meet the needs for enhanced bio-security at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine and the Prairie Diagnostic Services at the University of Saskatchewan;

– Provide for new research facilities at the Prairie Swine Centre;

– Provide $5 million funding for a new facility at the Feed Technology Centre for nutritional research programs;

– Provide $5 million funding for a new Grain Innovation Lab at the Crop Development Centre to conduct research on value added quality traits;

– Provide $3 million funding for the POS Pilot Plant; and

– Provide $1.1 million for the Western Beef Development Centre to enable them to undertake new cutting edge research.