Lab Canada

$6.6M funding supports interdisciplinary research

Sherbrooke, QC – The federal government is providing the Universite de Sherbrooke with $6.6 million in non-repayable funding to establish the Centre d’excellence en gnie de l’information (CEGI).

The centre will offer a range of interdisciplinary research activities associated with information engineering and include the involvement of the faculties of engineering, science, medicine, health sciences and physical and sports education.

The funding from Canada Economic Development will serve initially to equip the CEGI with a scientific experimentation hall that, the only one of its kind in Canada and abroad, will seek to accelerate the transfer of new technologies for industrial applications in such leading-edge sectors as telecommunications, telehealth, bio-engineering, micro/nanotechnologies and robotics.

The CEGI will then install world-class, state-of-the-art micro- and nano-fabrication facilities (cleanrooms) for the rapid prototyping of photonic and electronic sensors and components.