Lab Canada

BC forest research projects receive $12.5M in funding

Vernon, BC – BC’s provincial government is providing $12.5 million in funding to 216 research projects that aim to improve timber growth practices, respond to the impacts of climate change, and maximize the benefits from British Columbia’s forest resources, Pat Bell announced today. The funding is being provided through the Forest Science Program.

The Forest Science Program is funding the new and ongoing projects led by researchers at universities, First Nations organizations, provincial and federal government agencies, forest companies, and not-for-profit organizations throughout the province.

Timber research projects involve both stand management methods and the use of computer models to predict growth, volume and value of British Columbia’s forests under different management strategies and climate conditions. Research on the forests’ regeneration following the mountain pine beetle epidemic will help inform future timber management strategies and timber supply.

Climate research projects include ecosystem studies on how weather and temperature conditions impact grasslands, high-elevation plant communities and the risk of wildfires. Additional projects support the adaptation of forest and range management practices to maximize resiliency and productivity as the climate changes. Other topics cover riparian area and fish habitat restoration, and research about watersheds, fertilizer, and species-at-risk recovery.

“This program is designed to fill knowledge gaps and develop the information we need to make the best possible forest management decisions,” said Dr Bill Bourgeois, chair of the Forest Science Board. “That’s accomplished by supporting priority research projects and by making sure the results and knowledge are shared widely among BC’s forestry and biology professionals and managers.”

Information on the Forest Science Program, a list of currently funded projects and the program’s business plan, can be found at