Lab Canada

Campaign aims to make genomics a household word

Toronto, ON – The Ontario Genomics Institute (OGI) has launched a public awareness campaign in an effort to make genomics a household word.

The campaign spotlights genomics research – what it does, how it benefits people and how research in genomics may solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges in health, the environment and agriculture.

OGI is a non-profit organization that manages cutting-edge research projects and works with scientists to take their discoveries from the lab to the marketplace, as well as raise the visibility of genomics amongst the general public, is undertaking a pilot campaign centered in the Toronto downtown core to bring these issues front-of-mind and let people know about the importance of genomics research and its sheer potential.

The advertisements will appear in newspapers, office building elevator screens and on construction site billboards over the next month. The ads will touch upon how genomics is fighting the world’s worst ‘bullies’ such as cancer, hunger and environmental disasters like oil spills, and drive people to www.WhyGenomics.ca for further information on how genomics is changing the way we live and the way we are fighting the major threats we face today.

“This may be a test run on a small scale, but we are very much looking forward to seeing the reaction of the public, many of whom may not really understand what genomics is and why they should take note,” says Dr Mark Poznansky, the organization’s president and CEO. “We view our role as an organization to help everyone understand a little something about genomics. We want, through this campaign, for people to get an idea of what genomics is doing for us all and the power it has to shape our future.”

If successful in this trial phase, OGI hopes to secure funds to roll out the campaign province-wide next year.