Lab Canada

Cardiovascular research awards announces recipients

Montreal, QC – Pfizer Canada has announced the fourth round of recipients of the Pfizer Cardiovascular Research Awards program. The program, launched in October 2005, was developed to fund and support cardiovascular research in Canada. The prizes are worth a total of $2.5M annually.

The six recipients are: Dr Stanley Nattel, professor of medicine, Montreal Heart Institute Research Centre; Dr Barbara Ballermann, director, division of nephrology and immunology, professor of medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta; Dr Richard Hoge, assistant professor, department of physiology, Universite de Montreal; Dr Robert Dumaine, director and associate professor, Faculty of Medicine, Universite de Sherbrooke; Dr Olivier Barbier, assistant professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Laval University; and Dr Yan Burelle, assistant professor, department of kinesiology, Universite de Montreal.

The recipients of the awards were announced at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress in Quebec City on October 20.

The Pfizer Cardiovascular Research Awards program is designed to support a variety of Canadian research initiatives, from traditional clinical trials to basic research projects. All proposals are reviewed by an independent committee of approximately 16 Canadian cardiovascular experts, chaired by Dr Jean-Claude Tardif, director, Research Centre, Montreal Heart Institute, professor of medicine, Universite de Montreal, and recipient of the Pfizer-Canadian Institutes of Health Research chair of atherosclerosis.

“As in past years, there has been an overwhelming response from medical professionals interested in cardiovascular research,” says Dr Tardif. “Through this important contribution, Pfizer is acting as a leader by offering to support independent cardiovascular research in Canada. It is our hope that these awards will help more researchers generate scientific knowledge that may ultimately lead to an improvement of our understanding and treatment of cardiovascular disease.”