Lab Canada

Corning unveils new worldwide grant award program

Lowell, MA – Corning today announced a new grant award program, called Mission: Possible, which is aimed at encouraging scientists to conduct original research using one of Corning’s newest cell culture products.

To be eligible to participate, researchers must use either Corning’s 10-layer HYPERFlask® Cell Culture Vessel or one of their newest vessel surfaces – Corning® CellBIND® Surface, Ultra-Low Attachment Surface or Ultra-Web™ Synthetic Surface – to generate successful results from their research.


Corning will present a total of 20 free product grant awards ranging from US$2,000 to a first prize of US$25,000. Entries to the program will be judged by a distinguished panel of leading scientists, including Dr Min Li, professor of neurosciences at Johns Hopkins University; Dr Stephen J Benkovic, professor of chemistry at Penn State University; Dr Joydeep Lahiri, research director at Corning; and Dr Ye Fang, senior research scientist at Corning.


“Corning is constantly developing new products and technologies to meet tomorrow’s needs for improved research and production tools,” said Jeanne Phillips, product line manager for specialized cell culture products, Corning Life Sciences. “The program’s mission is to further demonstrate our commitment to innovation and technology and our ability to advance groundbreaking research.”


Applications are due by April 30, 2009, and winners will be announced June 30, 2009. The submitted research must focus on one of the following fields: cellular neurobiology, immunology, adult, embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells, primary cells, cancer cells or cellular mechanisms of disease.


More information about the program is available at www.corning.com/lifesciences/mission.