Lab Canada

Famous Canadian scientists inducted into hall of fame

Ottawa, ON – The Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame has announced the names of four Canadian scientists are joining the 44 scientists and innovators previously inducted into the hall. This year’s inductees are Dr George C Laurence (1905-1987), Dr Henry Norman Bethune (1890-1939), and the team of Dr James Till (1931- ) and Dr Ernest McCulloch (1926- ).

“Dr McCulloch and I deeply appreciate this great honour,” said Dr James Till.

The Canadian Science and Engineering Hall of Fame honours individuals whose outstanding scientific or technological achievements have made a significant contribution to Canadian society.

“Since its creation in 1991, the Hall of Fame has been known for the high calibre of its membership, and has served as a reminder to all young Canadians of the possibility of conducting exceptional scientific and engineering research in this country,” said Denise Amyot, president and CEO of the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation. “The achievements of these individuals have been so remarkable, and their contribution to society so great, the Museum wants all Canadians to be aware of their accomplishments.”