Lab Canada

Laser research prize issues application call

Ditzingen, Germany – Developers and researchers who work in the field of laser technology are being called to apply for a 30,000-euro prize called the Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis. Deadline for both applications and nominations is December 31, 2013.

This international prize – awarded by the non-profit foundation Berthold Leibinger Stiftung – has been granted biannually since 2000 for innovations pertaining to the application of lasers as well as to laser devices.

At the award ceremony on September 26, 2014 in Ditzingen, Germany, 30,000 euros for the first, 20,000 euros for the second and 10,000 euros for the third prize will be awarded for the Innovationspreis. The prestigious Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis, a prize for laser research which is determined by the jury on the basis of secret nominations, will also be awarded with 30.000 euros.

Also eight finalists will be honoured as winners of the first evaluation process. They will be invited to the jury session in April 2014 to present their innovations personally and to be presented with their award.

Eligible to apply or be proposed are individuals and project groups worldwide whose main development efforts and market potential lies in the application of laser light or the development of laser devices.

Further information is available at www.leibinger-stiftung.de.