Lab Canada

Metrohm launches Young Chemist Award

Riverview, FL – Metrohm has announced a new $10,000 award in North America. All graduate, post-graduate and doctorate students residing and studying in the US and Canada, who are performing novel research in the fields of titration, ion chromatography and/or electrochemistry, are encouraged to submit a summary of their work for consideration.


“Metrohm is a foundation at its very core: all profits are funneled back into scientific research and development as well as the proliferation of the town of Herisau, where the company headquarters was founded and is still located; it’s natural for Metrohm to extend their munificence into North America,” says Ed Colihan, director of marketing at Metrohm USA. “We continue to look for additional avenues where we may positively influence our future scientists.


Metrohm has set up a special website, www.metrohmusa.com/youngchemist, where qualifying candidates can submit their research abstract/summary for consideration and a chance to win $10,000. One winner will be chosen and celebrated at PITTCON in 2013, when the exhibition moves to Philadelphia, PA.