Lab Canada

NRC gives $242,500 grant toward commercialization of bioactive products

Vancouver, BC – International Bio Recovery has signed a contribution agreement with the NRC’s Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) whereby NRC/IRAP will support IBR in its research and development program with grant funding and access to sophisticated laboratory facilities and leading scientists in IBR’s area of technology.

IBR has chosen to collaborate with the Alberta Research Center (ARC) of Vegreville, AB, which is recognized for its leading-edge research and innovative product development, both in the applied and in the pure science aspects of developing products for commercialization. IBR’s research team will be working with Dr Prem Kharbanda, a scientist who has worked in the development and introduction of bioactive products as important substitutes for chemical pesticides and fertility products in modern large-scale agriculture.

The company says the technology has the potential to change dramatically the way organic waste is managed, and to impact large-scale sustainable agriculture.

IBR is also hoping to register with Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) a product as a biopesticide. The field efficacy studies by third party scientific agencies are largely completed. This would position the product in a significantly higher price category.