Lab Canada

Panalytical and Malvern celebrate US office opening

Westborough, MA – Instrument manufacturers Panalytical and Malvern Instruments’ US teams recently celebrated the opening of their new headquarters in a shared state-of-art facility in Westborough, MA.

Gjalt Kuiperes and Brian Dutko, general managers of Panalytical and Malvern’s US companies respectively, led the day of celebrations following the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Both companies say the expansion into the new premises comes at a time of sustained business growth.

“As well as growing our business across the Americas, we have consolidated former east and west coast sites and have relocated our warehouse to Westborough,” said Peter van Velzen, managing director of Panalytical. “Importantly, the move has also given us the freedom to expand our application laboratories. These now include a cleanroom for wafer analyzers, a sample prep room, and large application labs for XRD and XRF. As well as Panalytical’s extensive range of X-ray analysis products, in the labs there is an optical emission spectrometer from OBLF, for which Panalytical is the exclusive distributor in the US and Brazil. With more spacious training facilities we can now offer a greater number of in-house courses to our customers.”

Malvern has similarly expanded its applications and training facilities. Managing director Paul Walker commented: “This move reflects the continued growth and success of the company, and also the expansion of the business in recent years to encompass a broadening range of technologies and instrumentation for materials characterization. These new premises provide the infrastructure and facilities to underpin our future.”