Lab Canada

Pittcon 2013 announces call for papers

Pittsburgh, PA -The Pittcon Program Committee has issued a call for papers for a contributed oral or poster presentation for Pittcon 2013, which will be held March 17-21, 2013, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA. For full consideration, abstracts must be received by August 10, 2012, to be included in the first round of reviews.  Abstracts may only be submitted electronically via the Technical Program link at www.pittcon.org. 

The committee says it is soliciting abstracts of original, previously unpublished findings in all areas of analytical chemistry, applied spectroscopy, life sciences, bioanalysis, food sciences, and related disciplines such as, but not limited to chromatography, electrochemistry, portable instruments, mass spectrometry, lab-on-a-chip, molecular spectroscopy, atomic spectroscopy, nanotechnology, biomedicine, genomics, proteomics, forensics, informatics, pharmaceutical, metabolomics, environmental and polymer.

The review of abstracts will begin in September and will be an ongoing process through January 2013.  Accepted papers will be grouped according to methodology or application as appropriate.

In addition to requesting papers in the core scientific areas, the committee is especially interested in submissions related to “hot” topics and emerging trends in nanotechnology, environmental issues including shale energy and its impact on the environment; food science, and biofuels.

For assistance or additional information, contact Becky Hackley, Pittcon program coordinator, by email or by phone at 800-825-3221 or 412-825-3220 ext. 219.