Lab Canada

Pittcon releases 2014 exhibitor list

Pittsburgh, PA – The Pittcon 2014 Exposition, which takes place March 3-6 at McCormick Place in Chicago, will include 926 exhibitors displaying products and services used by the scientific community in industrial, academic, and government labs. The show will offer the latest innovations in areas such as, but not limited to, analytical chemistry; drug discovery; nanotechnology; life sciences to include forensics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics; food analysis and safety; environmental science; energy and fuel; and air, water and wastewater analysis.

An up-to-date, searchable list of exhibitors can be found at Exhibitor List.


The 504,320 square foot (total footage) exposition floor will include 1,753 booths and 26 seminar rooms. This year, 114 new exhibitors will be joining the show.


More information and a downloadable mobile app are available on the Pittcon 2014 website.

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