Lab Canada

Research greenhouse facility will help crop diversification

Brooks, AB – Funding of $16.5-million for new research greenhouses will help the Crop Diversification Centre in Brooks, AB to further crop research and help the province’s greenhouse growers improve their operations.

Some of the existing greenhouses at Crop Diversification Centre South (CDCS) in Brooks were 40 years old and in need of replacement.

The new facility at CDCS will have four times more greenhouse space and will feature new technologies like high-transmission greenhouse coverings and more efficient growing systems. The facility design provides a flexible space that is capable of adapting to different research requirements and industry developments.

The greenhouse industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in Alberta agriculture, tripling in size over the past 25 years. An ideal location for the new upgraded facility due to its close proximity to commercial growers, the centre has the support of researchers and experts who specialize in areas such as plant pathology, irrigation technology, and business development.

The redevelopment includes a new 1,100-sq-m research greenhouse; a 3,900-sq-m production greenhouse; and a 750-sq-m support building. Construction is underway and should be complete by late 2009.