Lab Canada

Research infrastructure funding of nearly $1M given to award-winning researchers

Ottawa, ON – The Canada Foundation for Innovation is providing a total $988,661 to support the work of the six 2005 Science and Engineering Research Canada (NSERC) Steacie Fellows.

The infrastructure funding is being provided as follows:

– Roberto Abraham (University of Toronto) First Light in the Universe: Probing the first galaxies with an infrared-scanning tunable filter ($113,442);
– Neil Branda (Simon Fraser University) 300 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer for Materials and Health Sciences ($137,043);
– Michael Doebeli (University of British Columbia) Evolution of diversity in bacterial microcosms: studying the genetic, physiological and ecological mechanisms of adaptive diversification ($160,585);
– Jacques Marchand (Universit Laval) -tude des mcanismes fondamentaux qui gouvernent le comportement des matriaux cimentaires exposs des environnements chimiquement agressifs ($206,384);
– Andrew K White (York University) Biophysical Analysis of Viral RNA and Proteins ($216,287); and
– Peter Zandstra (University of Toronto) CSCB: Center for Stem Cell Bioengineering ($154,920).

This is the fourth year that the CFI is partnering with the federal funding agencies in supporting leading researchers, providing institutions with the infrastructure they need to carry out this world-class research.