Lab Canada

Scientists from Quebec’s pediatric research centres receive honours

Montreal, QC – The Foundation for Research into Children’s Diseases is honouring four pediatric researchers at its 24th annual “Bal des Enfants du Monde” being held this evening at Montreal’s Fairmont-Queen Elizabeth Hotel.

The four researchers being honoured were selected by a committee of peers for their exemplary work, and will receive bursaries from the Foundation for Research into Children’s Diseases. The 2006 Awards of Excellence are:

– “Career Scientist” Award of Excellence presented by Hydro-Qubec to Dr Eric Fombonne, recognized internationally for his research into Autism Spectrum Disorders.

– “Young Scientist” Award of Excellence presented by Sanofi-Aventis to Dr Guillaume Sbire for work which may pave the way to new therapeutic approaches to prevent cerebral palsy.

– “Post doctoral Scientist” Award of Excellence presented by Ernst & Young to Dr Florian Sennlaub for his work on the mechanisms underlying the role of carbon dioxide in vascular degeneration associated with retinopathy in premature babies and diabetics.

– “Student” Award of Excellence presented by Taxi Montral to Dr Jean-Marc Mac-Thiong for research into human posture, which improved the understanding of the posture disorders linked to spinal column malformations of children and adolescents.

The ball is an important fundraiser for the Foundation for Research into Children’s Diseases, which supports research at four hospitals in Quebec: The Montreal Children’s Hospital, CHU Ste-Justine, and the pediatric research centres at the CHUQ in Quebec City and the CHUS in Sherbrooke.