Lab Canada

US medical institute awards $19M to Canadian and Latin American scientists

Chevy Chase, MD -Thirty-nine scientists in Latin America and Canada have been named Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) international research scholars. Each will receive a five-year award totalling nearly $500,000.

The competitive awards recognize the accomplishments and promise of biomedical researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Mexico, and Venezuela. They also help build the research capacity of countries that have a strong tradition of science but insufficient resources to adequately support world-class research, by supporting scientific leaders and strengthening their research institutions.

The new HHMI international research scholars were chosen from 546 applicants from eight countries.

“These scientists are recognized pacesetters in their fields,” noted Peter J Bruns, HHMI vice president for grants and special programs.

The Canadian scholars are:

– Lea Harrington, Ontario Cancer Institute
– Philip Hieter, University of British Columbia
– Timothy R Hughes, University of Toronto
– Freda D Miller, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
– Dana J Philpott, University of Toronto
– Richard A Rachubinski *, University of Alberta
– Michael A Rudnicki *, Ottawa Health Research Institute
– Michael W. Salter, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
– Erwin Schurr, McGill University
– Eric Alan Shoubridge *, McGill University
– Nahum Sonenberg *, McGill University
– Peter St George-Hyslop *, University of Toronto
– Natalie CJ Strynadka *, University of British Columbia
– Michael D Tyers, Samuel Lunenfield Research Institute
– Andr Veillette, Clinical Research Institute of Montreal
– Yu Tian Wang *, University of British Columbia
– Richard W Wozniak, University of Alberta
– Jeffrey L Wrana *, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
* Indicates a previous HHMI international research scholar award.