Lab Canada

Water and climate change research receive funding support

Victoria, BC – Research grants totalling nearly $230,000 will go to the University of Victoria (UVic) and the University of British Columbia (UBC) to study fisheries management, air quality and climate change in BC. The funding is being provided by BC’s provincial government.

A $50,000 grant to UVic’s Canadian Institute for Climate Studies will help establish the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, which will specialize in climate change impacts in BC.

Research grants of over $177,000 to improve fisheries management and air quality were presented to UBC for the following projects:

$17,500 to UBC’s School of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene to determine levels of endotoxin, a chemical known to aggravate symptoms of asthma and other respiratory illnesses, in the air.

$40,000 to study the effectiveness of natural streamside buffers in reducing the impacts of forestry practices on stream ecosystems.

$69,560 for research to determine the best indicators of the health of streams and their capability of supporting salmon.

$20,000 to UBC’s Centre for Applied Conservation Research to study avian response to climate change and the effectiveness of existing and alternative forest management options.

$30,000 to UBC’s Dr JD McPhail toward the publication of a reference book on BC freshwater fish, so that biologists will have a single source of information to help with conservation strategies.

These projects will provide additional scientific data to assist government’s goal of leading the world in sustainable environmental management, with the best air and water quality, and the best fisheries management.