Lab Canada

$22.6M available for cancer research Dream Teams

Toronto, ON – Up to $22.6 million CAD is available to fund two separate cancer research Dream Teams. The funding is available from Stand Up To Cancer Canada (SU2C Canada), together with Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (with support from the CIBC), Cancer Stem Cell Consortium, Genome Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, and the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

Two Dream Team funding opportunities are available, one for translational research focused on breast cancer and the other on cancer stem cells:

1. The Stand Up To Cancer Canada-Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Breast Cancer Dream Team, will provide up to $6 million over a four-year term and is funded by the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, with support from the CIBC, and by SU2C Canada. Ideas are invited for a translational cancer research project that will address critical problems in breast cancer patient care and include new therapeutic interventions for breast cancer that would be expected to reduce progression and improve overall survival.  

2. The Stand Up To Cancer – Canada Cancer Stem Cell Dream Team will provide approximately $10.6 million over a four-year term, with funds from the CSCC (through Genome Canada and CIHR) and SU2C Canada. The Call for Ideas seeks to support a single, integrated, and cohesive pan-Canadian team bringing together key stakeholders; researchers, clinicians, industry, nongovernmental organizations, and funders with the goal of improving the outcomes of hard-to-treat cancers by focusing on the role of cancer stem cells and stem cell programs on resistance and treatment failure in cancer. The team will employ new tools of modern biology, with an emphasis on genomics.

Additionally, the two qualifying Dream Teams may each receive supplementary funds up to $3 million over four years from OICR, to support clinical trial activities in the province of Ontario.

For information on eligibility criteria, the application process, and other details about these Dream Team grants, visit www.aacrcanada.ca. Letters of Intent must be submitted by noon ET, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, using the proposalCENTRAL website at https://proposalcentral.altum.com.