Lab Canada

$7M supports new agricultural research centre

Truro, NS – A new Atlantic Centre for Agricultural Innovation at Nova Scotia Agricultural College will receive $7 million in funding from the federal and provincial governments.

The federal government is providing $2 million from ACOA’s Community Adjustment Fund (CAF), and Nova Scotia’s provincial government is providing $500,000 in the first two phases and $4.5 million in the third and final phase.

The federal contribution will assist with site work, site services and the construction of the foundation and building shell. Once constructed, the centre will play an important role in addressing the commercialization gap between agricultural research and development for startup and established agri-based businesses.

The third phase of the project, being funded by the province, includes the completion of the interior of the building resulting in space for future tenants as well as laboratories and cold storage.

“The NSAC believes this facility provides a location for researchers and innovators to come together with entrepreneurs and business development professionals to create new agriculture business opportunities,” says Leslie MacLaren, NSAC Co-president and VP academic.