Lab Canada

Brandon to get scanning electron microscopy facility

Brandon, MB – An analytical scanning electron microscope facility is being established at Brandon University, and is receiving $338,500 in support funding from Western Economic Diversification Canada. The facility will give students and researchers access to new technologies and increased commercialization opportunities.

The new facility will be located in the JR Brodie Science Centre and includes an analytical scanning electron microscope, related user training and support equipment used to educate and train undergraduate students and industry participants.

“The acquisition of this scanning electron microscope will be a fantastic research and teaching tool for our geology and environment programs,” said Dr Louis Visentin, president and vice-chancellor, Brandon University. “As well it will be a welcome and powerful tool for mining and petroleum exploration in western Manitoba. As such our regional and provincial industry collaborators will be well served, as it is the only such instrument in Manitoba. Work normally done outside the province will be done right here in Brandon. It will be a valuable and progressive public-private partnership.”