Lab Canada

Funding to boost leading-edge research at Lakehead University

Thunder Bay, ON — January 27, 2003 — The Ontario government will make a $1.3-million investment in research and development at Lakehead University, Minister of Enterprise, Opportunity and Innovation Jim Flaherty has announced.

The investment will support 10 research projects that will allow the university to expand its research facilities in fields such as industrial engineering, wildlife conservation, microbiology, robotics and environmental protection.

“Investing in our researchers and research infrastructure will ensure that groundbreaking work continues, and will help Ontario retain and attract the world’s top researchers and scientists,” said Flaherty.

The investment is an Ontario Innovation Trust (OIT) initiative. The provincial funding has leveraged additional financial support from both the private sector and the federal government, bringing the total value of the investment at Lakehead University to $3.3 million.

“These investments will enable our researchers to achieve the highest levels of excellence in research and scientific discovery and create new opportunities for intellectual property development,” said Dr. Fred Gilbert, president of Lakehead University.