Lab Canada

Indirect research costs at Halifax institutions receive $6.8M funding

Halifax, NS November 19, 2003 The federal government is contributing a total of $6,857,761 to five Halifax-area universities and colleges this year to help cover indirect costs associated with federally supported research. The funding was announced by Allan Rock, minister of industry, and Geoff Regan, member of parliament for Halifax West, on behalf of Robert Thibault, minister of fisheries and oceans and minister responsible for Nova Scotia.

The following institutions are receiving funding under the indirect costs program: Dalhousie University ($6 040 253), University of King’s College ($4640), Mount Saint Vincent University ($188 981), Nova Scotia College of Art and Design ($13 447), and Saint Mary’s University ($610 440).

The indirect costs program supports the research efforts of large and small universities by providing funding for indirect costs such as the operation and maintenance of equipment and facilities, information management systems, and technology transfer and commercialization services.

The distribution of funds to individual universities is based on their past federal research awards from the federal university-research granting agencies: the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

The program is part of Canada’s Innovation Strategy, which outlines specific actions in areas such as skills development, knowledge creation and commercialization, smart regulation, and innovative communities designed to move Canada to the front ranks of innovative countries.