Lab Canada

MS research receives $3.8M funding

Toronto, ON April 30, 2003 With the launch of MS Awareness Month in May, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has announced funding of C$3.8 million towards MS research projects and scholarships. The scoeity says this is a 27% increase in research funding over 2002.

“In 2003, we had an increased number of outstanding MS research projects to review as well as a substantial number of applications for scholarships,” says Dr William J McIlroy, MS Society national medical advisor. "The review committees strongly recommended that the MS Society commit additional funding, and I am very pleased we are able to fund additional multi-year projects and annual scholarships."

In 2002, the MS Society approved $3 million in multi-year research projects and annual personnel support. On an annual basis the MS Society provides an accumulative total of about $5 million to its research program.

Funded this year are 12 multi-year research projects, one career development award, 13 postdoctoral fellowships and 33 studentships.