Lab Canada

News from Pittcon: First two Thermo companies abolish their old names under “Thermo One” plan

Orlando, Florida March 12, 2003 Thermo LabSystems and Thermo Galactic are the first two businesses within the Thermo Electron group to dispense with their old company names. The two have combined their informatics businesses under the Thermo Electron banner, and have made their public debut as such at this year’s 2003 Pittsburgh Conference (Pittcon) in Orlando, Florida.

The company says this change brings together the skills and resources of two leading vendors in the global laboratory informatics marketplace with their expertise in the development and support of desktop spectroscopy systems along with a track record in laboratory information management systems (LIMS), chromatography data systems (CDS) and solutions for long-term data archival.

Development, support and marketing of Thermo’s leading informatics products brands including SampleManager LIMS, Nautilus LIMS, Atlas CDS, eRecord Manager data archival and knowledge management solution, and the GRAMS A/I spectral data processing product will continue to be managed from the company’s Altrincham, UK and Salem, New Hampshire facilities.