Lab Canada

Pharmacists in Nova Scotia to order diagnostic tests, administer vaccinations

Halifax, NS – The Nova Scotia provincial government has announced amendments to its Pharmacy Act that will lead to an expanded role for pharmacists in the province.

The amendments will enable them to order and interpret lab tests to monitor drug therapy.

“Allowing pharmacists to order and interpret certain diagnostic tests will enable a patient’s medication to be adjusted without having them return to their doctor,” said Maureen MacDonald, health minister. “This is good for patients and creates efficiencies in the health care system.”

The amendments will also authorize pharmacists to administer drugs, including vaccines.

Once the amendments are passed, regulations will be developed. The Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists will work on the regulations in consultation with government as well as doctors, nurses and dentists.

“The proposed amendments will allow pharmacists to more completely use their training and skills to benefit the public,” said Susan Wedlake, registrar of the Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists.