Lab Canada

R&D facility to be built as bio-energy demo plant

Cornwall, PEI – Atlantec BioEnergy is creating a research and development demonstration facility in Prince Edward Island.

The company was established to explore the feasibility of developing a commercially viable bio-refinery to produce advanced bio-energy from non- traditional feed stocks. The company is now at the stage in its work where a demonstration facility is needed to showcase its state-of-the-art technology to process locally grown energy beets as the feed stock to produce renewable ethanol fuel.

The company has recently acquired a facility in Cornwall and is currently in the process of renovating the building to allow for the demonstration of its novel technology.

The ethanol bio-refinery demonstration facility is expected to be complete in January 2012.

“ABC is extremely excited with its move to Prince Edward Island and the opportunities that are ahead as we demonstrate and showcase our unique concept on our pathway to commercialization,” said Paul Wheaton, the organization’s president.

The project has receiving funding of $340,512 from the federal government to help it acquire the necessary equipment. Prince Edward Island’s provincial government is providing the company with $1.8 million in loans, grants and labour rebates.