Lab Canada

RhoxalPharma donates antibiotic drug worth $1 million to tsunami survivors

Montreal, QC – As a part of a global humanitarian response, generic pharmaceutical company RhoxalPharma is making a major contribution to the relief effort to benefit the survivors of the tsunami disaster in Asia.

The survivors of this tragedy face a growing risk of disease especially bacterial infections. To help address immediate needs, RhoxalPharma says it has this week donated $1 million worth of the antibiotic Rhoxal-ciprofloxacin via Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC).

“As Canadians, RhoxalPharma feels that it is our duty and responsibility to come together and help in this humanitarian movement," says Dr Frank Heidemann, the company’s president and CEO. "We are proud to provide help in cooperation with the professionals at HPIC who have a proven reputation for delivering humanitarian aid efficiently and effectively”

“RhoxalPharma is to be commended for this very generous initiative on the part of its management and employees,” says John Kelsall, president of HPIC. “This long-dated medicine will save lives. This donation of much-needed medical aid will treat more than 32,000 people living in exceptionally tragic circumstances.”