Lab Canada

Salmonella testing technology gets approval

Laval, QC March 6, 2003 Food safety technology company Warnex has received independent validation of its new food safety test for detecting Salmonella. The company says it has been granted “Laboratory Procedure” status in Canada, so it is now set to market its pathogen detection platform.

The test for the detection of Salmonella uses Warnex’s Genevision technology and represents the first in what is expected to be a series of Microbiological Methods Committee (MMC) evaluations for various pathogens including Listeria and E.coli O157:H7.

The current annual worldwide market to test for food-borne pathogens is estimated at $5 billion.

“Having achieved this landmark milestone we can now launch a commercial product into a lucrative market opportunity,” says Mark Busgang, president and CEO of Warnex. “This validation from an internationally respected organization such as the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) provides an independent confirmation of the capability of the Genevision technology.”

Warnex now intends to begin a limited rollout of Genevision to expand its installation and logistical experience, prior to a broader rollout in the second half of 2003.

The “Laboratory Procedure” status was granted by the MMC, Health Canada, which based its decision on a thorough evaluation of the test and Genevision technology performed by the CFIA. The decision is based on rigorous statistical criteria set by the MMC.

A more detailed description of the test procedure can be found in Volume 3 of the Health Canada Compendium of Analytical Methods, or at http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/food-aliment/mh-dm/mhe-dme/compendium/volume_3/e_mflp-3201.html