Lab Canada

SARS commission launches website

Toronto, ON September 2, 2003 The independent Commission to Investigate the Introduction and Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) has launched a website that contains information about the commission. The Internet address is www.sarscommission.ca.

The site contains the commission’s terms of reference and information about its public hearings scheduled for September 29, 30 and October 1.

The purpose of the hearings is to give members of the public and all interested organizations an opportunity to address the commissioner, Mr Justice Archie Campbell, about their experiences, concerns and recommendations relating to the SARS outbreak. It is looking at all aspects of the outbreak to provide a public report on what happened, what lessons have been learned and what improvements should be made.

Most of the investigation is being carried out through personal interviews and meetings and by examination of documents and consultation with experts.

Mr Justice Campbell is conducting his investigation independently of the government. All ministries, boards, agencies and commissions have been directed by the government to respect his independence and to assist the investigation to the fullest extent.