Lab Canada


News Life Sciences

New program supports research using biomedical imaging

July 25, 2016 by Lab Product News Quebec, QC – The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS) have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space of the State of Israel…
News Life SciencesResearch Results

Fat cells may play key role in battle against breast cancer

July 25, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – New research led by York University Professor Michael Connor highlights how fat cells could help determine the most effective way to fight breast cancer; including using exercise to combat the disease. Previously, adipose tissue (body fat) was…
News Laboratory

$30M in funding supports 34 health research projects

July 25, 2016 by Lab Product News London, ON – A total of 34 projects at Western University’s Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and Lawson Health Research Institute (Lawson) have been awarded close to $30 million in funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).…
News Laboratory

Scientists discover genetic self-renewal switch for cord-blood stem cells

July 19, 2016 by Leslie Burt Toronto, ON – A cord-blood self-renewal switch has been discovered by a team of international stem cell scientists, co-led in Canada by Dr. John Dick and in the Netherlands by Dr. Gerald de Haan. The scientists say the discovery could…
News Life SciencesNew Facilities

$15M funding supports cancer immunotherapy research centre

July 18, 2016 by Lab Product News Montréal, QC – The Centre for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy (C3i) has received $15 million funding over five years from the federal government. Immunotherapy is an emerging area of medicine that uses the power of the immune system to combat…
News AgriculturalNew Facilities

Wine grape research gets funding boost

July 18, 2016 by Lab Product News Kentville, NS – Wine grape research at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s Kentville Research and Development Centre in Nova Scotia is being expanded with $400,000 funding. The expanded program will include the hiring of three new federal scientists and development of a…
News Life Sciences

Asthma researchers awarded international medical prize

July 14, 2016 by Lab Product News London, ON – The 2016 recipients of the J. Allyn Taylor International Prize in Medicine have made it their mission to better understand asthma with the aim of informing practice for better therapy and management. Drs. Malcolm Sears and Stephen…
News General Science & Research

$17M supports five genomic application projects

July 13, 2016 by Lab Product News Victoria, BC – Five projects are being awarded a total of $16.9 million under Round 5 of Genome Canada’s Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP). The total includes $5.3 million through Genome Canada, and the remaining $11.6 million is being provided…
News General Science & Research

Input from scientists sought for federal science funding review

July 13, 2016 by Lab Product News Ottawa, ON – Evidence for Democracy (E4D), a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization that promotes the transparent use of evidence in government decision-making in Canada, is calling for input from Canada’s science community. They are asking for feedback about what scientists think…
News Laboratory

Analytical testing laboratory for grain opens in Guelph

July 12, 2016 by Leslie Burt Guelph, ON – Grain Farmers of Ontario and SGS Canada have joined forces to open a new analytical testing laboratory for cereal crops. A ribbon cutting was held this week to celebrate the opening of the new facility, called the…
News General Science & ResearchNew FacilitiesResearch Labs

$3.3M multisectoral network focuses on maritime research

July 12, 2016 by Lab Product News Quebec, QC – A first-ever multi-sector research network for the maritime sector was recently launched in Québec. The Réseau Québec maritime (Québec Maritime Network) is being provided with funding of $3.3 million from Quebec’s Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation…
News Life SciencesNew Facilities

New lab to facilitate immunotherapy clinical trials

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Victoria, B.C. – A lab for T-cell therapy development recently opened at the BC Cancer Agency and brings an entirely new approach to cancer treatment one step closer. Built with the support of private philanthropic funds, the Conconi Family Immunotherapy…
News General Science & Research

Summertime gatherings for chemists at Queen’s

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Kingston, ON – More than 150 scientists whose research interests involve the chemical element boron and its compounds travelled to Queen’s for the biggest-ever Boron in the Americas (BORAM) conference June 25-28. Held for the first time outside of the…
News General Science & Research

Equine sports medicine the focus of new $1.5M chair

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Calgary, AB – A new research chair – the Calgary chair in equine sports medicine – is being established by the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM). Research enabled by the chair will benefit the equine industry by…
News BiologyResearch Results

Study charts metabolic changes in fruit flies as temperature drops

July 8, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – A newly published study by an international team of researchers analyses how fruit flies drastically alter their gene expression and metabolism to respond to temperature changes in their environment. The finding is important because understanding how insects…
News Academic ResearchLife Sciences

$10M funding supports new Canada excellence research chair

July 6, 2016 by Leslie Burt Quebec City, QC – The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is providing $10 million over seven years to fund the research of Vincenzo Di Marzo at the Université Laval. A globally renowned biochemist and pharmacologist from Italy, Di Marzo…
News CollaborationsMaterials Science

Aluminum research hub kickstarts with funding injection

July 6, 2016 by Leslie Burt Ottawa, ON – A newly formed alliance, the ALTec Industrial Research R&D Group, is consolidating research efforts in the Canadian aluminum sector to develop innovative aluminum products for ground transportation vehicles. The research hub, which already has 23 members and…
News Laboratory

Researchers develop new respiratory disease test

July 5, 2016 by Leslie Burt Saskatoon, SK – A research team at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is receiving funding of $235,000 to develop and commercialize a respiratory test and accompanying data analysis program to improve diagnosis of asthma and other respiratory diseases.…
News Laboratory

New emissions regulations set by federal government

June 29, 2016 by Lab Product News Gatineau, QC – The federal government announced this week that it has finalized new air pollutant regulations. Catherine McKenna, the minister of environment and climate change, said the Multi-Sector Air Pollutants Regulations establish Canada’s first-ever mandatory national air pollutant emissions…
News Laboratory

New distributor for Honeywell’s research chemicals in Canada

June 29, 2016 by Lab Product News Seelze, Germany – Honeywell has named Canadian Life Science as distributor for its analytical chemistry portfolio in Canada. The portfolio includes the Burdick & Jackson brand, as well as the Fluka, Hydranal and Chromasolv brands, which Honeywell acquired from Sigma-Aldrich…
News Laboratory

Researchers discover new mechanism used by microbes to thwart immune system

June 28, 2016 by Lab Product News Guelph, ON – Two new studies led by researchers at the University of Guelph show novel ways used by pathogens to make and attach protective cell coats. The findings might open a route to new drugs for penetrating those defences…
News Laboratory

NeuroHub to boost use of big data in neuroscience research

June 27, 2016 by Lab Product News Montreal, QC – The Canadian research team that helped spearhead the international brain-mapping project known as BigBrain is about to get a major boost in its effort to produce sharply higher-resolution brain maps, thanks to technology from EMC Corporation. McGill…
News Laboratory

Bias in Canada’s science research funding assessed in study

June 27, 2016 by Lab Product News Peterborough, ON – Dr. Dennis Murray, a biology professor and Canada research chair in integrative wildlife conservation at Trent University, has spearheaded a new study, published June 10 in Plos One, that assesses the causes of weak science funding among…
News Laboratory

Multi-million-dollar funding to boost automotive research

June 27, 2016 by Lab Product News Windsor, ON – A portion of an $85.8 million grant given to FCA Canada by the Ontario government will enhance research at the University of Windsor – Fiat Chrysler Canada Automotive Research and Development Centre (ARDC). “Collaboration between academia and…
News Laboratory

Researcher studying new way to capture images of the brain

June 27, 2016 by Leslie Burt Thunder Bay, ON – The Weston Brain Institute is providing $709,650 over three years to Dr. Mitch Albert, a researcher at Lakehead University and the Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute (TBRRI), to discover a more effective way to study the…
News Laboratory

Scientists map molecular interactions at point of conception

June 27, 2016 by Leslie Burt Toronto, ON – Researchers at the University of Toronto have uncovered the first interactions between the human sperm and egg — the initial steps in the creation of human life. The discovery lays a foundation to better understand fertilization and…
News CommercializationGeneral Science & Research

Feds call for input on innovation agenda

June 24, 2016 by Lab Product News Ottawa, ON – The federal government has launched a website that invites Canadians to share their ideas for building the country as a global centre for innovation. The website, Canada.ca/Innovation, allows Canadians to share their ideas for positioning Canada as…
News General Science & ResearchLaboratory

$465M funding from NSERC for discovery research

June 23, 2016 by Leslie Burt Hamilton, ON – The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has announced over $465 million for more than 4,000 awards that are the result of the NSERC’s 2016 competition for the discovery research programs. The programs, which…
News Agricultural

$23M funding supports Saskatchewan’s pulse breeding research

June 21, 2016 by Leslie Burt Saskatoon, SK – The University of Saskatchewan’s Crop Development Centre (CDC) is receiving $23 million in funding from the Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) to supports its pulse crop breeding program. The funding will be applied to the third five-year term…
News BiologyCollaborations

Monarch butterfly study issues call for help from citizens

June 21, 2016 by Lab Product News Montréal, QC – A national-scale study of monarch butterfly breeding habitats is being conducted by the Insectarium, the Institut de recherche en biologie végétale (IRBV), the Université du Québec à Rimouski, the University of Ottawa and the University of Calgary.…
News BiologyLife Sciences

$10M gift supports study of brain disorders

June 20, 2016 by Lab Product News Toronto, ON – CIFAR, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, has received a $10 million gift for the study of brain disorders from the Azrieli Foundation. The organization says it is the largest it has ever received from a philanthropic…
News LaboratoryLife SciencesResearch Results

Vitamin D may not be a great solution to health problems

June 16, 2016 by Lab Canada Edmonton, AB – As Canadians prepare for long summer days in the sun, a new publication is shedding light on the suggested medical benefits of a nutrient that comes with the sun’s rays: vitamin D. The vital nutrient is widely…