Lab Canada

Product News

Assay detects RNA, protein simultaneously

Flow cytometry assay is capable of simultaneous detection of RNA and protein within millions of cells at single-cell resolution. Current flow cytometry applications are limited to antibody-based interrogation of cell surface and intracellular proteins. With the novel PrimeFlow RNA Assay assay, researchers can now incorporate the simultaneous analysis of RNA transcripts and proteins to elevate their understanding of single-cell dynamics.

“Single-cell analysis is a rapidly growing field in biomedical research that yields an unprecedented level of information,” said Filippos Porichis, PhD, director of the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard’s International Programs and first author of a newly published Nature Communications paper citing the use of RNA transcript with flow cytometry. “PrimeFlow RNA Assay enables high throughput detection of RNA and protein expression; therefore, it can be used to characterize, mechanistically and phenotypically, co-expression of RNAs with the functional proteins at the single-cell level. This assay, with a user-friendly protocol that has many similarities with standard antibody-staining procedures and data acquisition of flow cytometry, is an invaluable tool for any immunology lab performing translational research.” eBioscience, an Affymetrix business

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