Lab Canada

Product News

Clear-bottom assay plates are free of crosstalk

Optimized for luminescence and fluorescence assays, Krystal 2000 microplates offer very high signal-to-noise ratio and low detection limits. The plate’s design eliminates the well-to-well optical crosstalk inherent with other clear bottomed microplate designs, providing great accuracy, sensitivity and repeatability of photometric readings. All tissue-culture treated plates are supplied lidded and sterile, in individual bags.

Constructed in ultra-pure grade polystyrene, the opaque white plate maximizes reflectivity, enabling even weakly emitting luminescence assays to be routinely undertaken. In addition to optimized luminescence measurements the plate offers improved cell binding efficiency and allows the convenience of direct measurements on bottom reading spectrophotometers and inverted microscopes.

Designed for fluorescence assays, the black plate contains a significant quantity of carbon black, completely eliminating well-to-well cross talk by quenching all light penetrating the plate walls. The result is high sensitivity and extended dynamic range across the whole plate, essential for cherry-picking assays where unknowns may be spread randomly across the plate. Porvair Sciences

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