Lab Canada

Product News

Compound-based scanning software simplifies multi-residue analysis

Designed as ‘a gas chromatographers’ GC-MS system, GC-MS/MS system promotes ease of use and increased workflow for busy analytical laboratories. Hardware innovations include reducing the instrument footprint by half while improving performance. Meanwhile, the system’s compound based scanning (CBS) software offers utility and ease of use. The software includes a number of important tools and features to make method set up, data analysis and comparisons of similar spectra much easier. With gas chromatographers in mind, the software package includes: a CBS multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) compound library for easy set up of methods; additional spectral libraries, such as NIST, Wiley, Pfleger/Maure/Weber (PMW); plug in to multiple user-customizable spectral libraries with automatic search functions; and the manufacturer’s mass spectrometry (MS) workstation software.



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